Medicine door witch

Chapter 956 Who and the battle

Chapter 956 Who and the battle (3)

His ability was discovered by Princess Yangyue.

He is a natural killer, and his ability is the nightmare of all vitality practitioners.

The man's strength is too great, he cut it down with a palm, and it has a strength of several thousand catties!

He is an extremely powerful body trainer!
Ling Luo was frightened and terrified, only felt that the gravity on the Chixiao Sword was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a faint posture of being unable to resist it.

"Die! Ling Luo!"

The tall and thin man stretched out his other hand, a layer of dazzling golden light condensed on the palm, and in an instant, his left hand also turned into a hand knife as sharp as iron, and slashed towards Ling Luo's shoulder heavily.


At this moment, Chunbai, who had been sleeping deeply in Ling Luo's hat, opened his eyes suddenly, and a flash of elite color flashed across the crimson pupils.

It stretched out its small white claws, pointed at the tall and thin man's left hand knife, and slapped it.


The tall and thin killer's body was like a broken leaf swaying in the wind, and it flew away in white, and hit the wall on the south side of the bedroom hard, leaving a huge deep hole.

On the killer's left hand, because of the direct confrontation with Pure White, a huge crack burst out.


Immediately afterwards, because the back was hit hard by the recoil force of the wall, the internal organs were severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He looked at the fluffy white fat ball the size of a leather ball squatting on Ling Luo's shoulder in disbelief, and deep fear flashed across his eyes.

What it is?
How could he shoot a seventh-rank great martial artist directly into the air?
In the information about Ling Luo sent by Jingshu, there is no information about this terrifying white hair ball!
"Master, isn't he so powerful!" Chun Bai rubbed his sleepy eyes, and kissed Ling Luo's cheek, asking for credit as if to please.

"Awesome, my family's pure white is the most powerful." Ling Luo's lips curled up slightly, and she stretched out a hand, gently stroking Chunbai's cute, furry head.

The strength of pure white is really shocking.

I remember the first time we met in the Moonlight Temple, this little guy was knocked away by a gust of water.

Pure white is the missing body of Master Moonlight Venerable's soul, and it is likely to have inherited the original power of Moonlight Venerable.


Hearing the master's praise, a lovely blush appeared on the little fluff on the pure white face.

With Pure Bai's help, it will be much easier for Ling Luo to deal with this difficult assassin with special abilities.

After a few moves, the tall and thin assassin was taken down, a heavy punch hit his abdomen, and at the same time, the Chixiao Excalibur lay across his neck.

The tall and thin man's face was pale, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his lips. It was obvious that he had suffered a serious injury.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Ling Luo asked coldly.

The tall and thin man didn't speak, but let out a cold snort, his temper was very stubborn.

Ling Luo's eyes narrowed in displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "Is it Xuanyuan Yangyue?"

The puppet assassination last night and today's killer assassination, it is impossible for her to believe that the two things have nothing to do with each other.

"If you want to kill, kill it, don't talk nonsense!" The tall and thin man gave Ling Luo a disdainful look, and spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

If Ling Luo hadn't reacted quickly and hid in time, the disgusting bloody phlegm would have spit directly on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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