Medicine door witch

Chapter 981 Arriving at the Taiwort

Chapter 981 Arriving at the Taiwort (2)

Ling Luo thought for a while, and then continued to ask: "Then if Xuanyuan Yangyue dies one day, will you be sad?"

Xuanyuan Yu frowned slightly, narrowed her beautiful peach eyes dangerously, and said with an awe-inspiring expression, "Luo'er, are you doubting my feelings for you?"

"No!" Ling Luo hurriedly denied, with a look of embarrassment flashing across her face, her brows and eyes drooping slightly, she bit her lower lip lightly, and said, "I was just asking casually..."

Well, she was talking too much.

"If you must know the answer, Luo'er, then I will tell you as my husband. I wish she would disappear sooner."

Xuanyuan Yu sighed softly, stretched out his hand, and pressed it on Ling Luo's shoulder, staring at her with eyes like black holes, and said softly, "Now, are you at ease?"

"En." Ling Luo blinked her eyes, pursed her lips slightly, and then nodded.

That's it.

She was afraid that if she hurt Yu's ex-fiancee so badly, if he found out, he would be angry with her to some extent.

Not long after the meal, Xuanyuan Ze and Xuanyuan Hong also came back, and they set out on the road together.

The carriage left Moshang Xiangfang and headed towards the capital of the imperial city.

Xuanyuan Hong was sitting in a carriage in front of him, with a suspicious look on his face, he muttered to himself: "What's the matter with Princess Yangyue, I have brought Ling Luo here according to her instructions, and she unexpectedly It didn’t show up from the beginning to the end, it’s really a waste of painstaking efforts. Hey.”

"Really, it's a pity that I have taken so much trouble to spare such a long journey. Time has been delayed, and the Senate will be criticized again." Xuanyuanhong looked extremely depressed and shook his head helplessly.

An hour after the carriage left.

In a closed room at the north end of the second floor of Moshang Xiangfang.On the cold ground, there was a blood-stained girl's body.

Xuanyuan Yangyue moved her fingers slightly, and was immediately awakened by the severe pain coming from the palm sword wound!
She frowned, her scalp was numb, and her body convulsed uncontrollably due to the severe pain.

Her eyes were stabbed by the dazzling light bursting out from Ling Luo's spiritual domain, and her eyes were covered with blood-colored darkness.

"Come here! Come here!" Xuanyuan Yangyue let out a hoarse roar.

What responded to her was an empty silence.

"Where are the people? Where did all the people die?!" She leaned on the wall, stood up with difficulty, and groped towards the door.

This room was originally prepared to kill Ling Luo, so she asked all the servants to evacuate far away in advance, but now it is unexpected that this place has become her own tomb!

Xuanyuan Yangyue fumbled to the edge of the door, raised her fist and slammed on the door forcefully, screaming, "Come on! Help! Come and save me!"

No one came, still no one came.

She beat like this desperately, and in the end, the resentment in her heart was getting higher and higher, and a strong golden vitality suddenly appeared on the palm of her hand, and she bombarded hard towards the two tightly locked doors.

Accompanied by a loud bang of "Boom—", the gate was shattered by the bombardment.

But, at the same time—

"Ahhh - it hurts! My head hurts!"

Xuanyuan Yangyue stretched out her hands and covered the area between her eyebrows, her whole body fell to the ground, rolling over and over.

"It hurts me to death! How could it hurt so much! Ahhh——"

(End of this chapter)

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