Medicine door witch

Chapter 988 My husband is only interested in you

Chapter 988 My husband is only interested in you (5)

Ling Luo suddenly felt that the world was full of darkness, plotting, and black belly.

"I... I'm not interested in your body." She was at a disadvantage, her ears were slightly hot, and she gritted her teeth.

Xuanyuan Yu is like a face-changing master. One moment there was a very sly smirk on his handsome face, but the next moment his whole face became wronged, his eyelids drooped, and the corners of his lips drooped. The appearance of crying.

"Really, Luo'er, so you have no interest in your husband's body at all." Xuanyuan Yu lowered his head, and his whole body fell into an extremely depressed emotional state. He stretched out a hand and held his forehead, The voice was a little choked, "Obviously I have already done that kind of thing to my husband, but I still say this..."

Ling Luo petrified.His face darkened.

She really... underestimated this man too much!
Hey, hey, can you stop spreading this kind of misunderstanding that has never happened before!

"Xiao Luo." Jianlong squinted his eyes and glanced at her with contempt, "You irresponsible woman!"


A certain woman who had been wronged beyond explanation had her petrified body completely torn apart.

Anyway, no matter how you explain it...

In the eyes of others, she will always be the heartless person who "doesn't admit it after eating".

Just when Ling Luo was extremely depressed, the carriage stopped suddenly, and a familiar shout came from outside the door.

"Welcome Your Royal Highness!"

This relatively hoarse voice belonged to the third elder, Xuanyuan Hong.

The smile on Xuanyuan Yu's face also stagnated, he stood up, walked forward, pulled Ling Luo behind him, and then pushed open the door.

"His Royal Highness, I have been waiting for you for a long time. There is still a quarter of an hour before the Supreme Judgment will start. The nine elders have already arrived, and the regent is also here. We will be waiting for you and Miss Ling Luo." Xuanyuan Hong The waist is finished with dried shrimps, with a flattering smile on his face.

Xuanyuan Yu frowned, and his voice was a little surprised: "The emperor's uncle is here too?"

"Yes." Xuanyuanhong nodded respectfully, with a standard official smile on his lips, and said, "When Princess Yangyue returned to the palace last night, she seemed to have been seriously injured, and she kept saying that it was Miss Ling Luo. That’s right, the regent was furious, and he came to preside over the meeting in person today.”

"What?" Xuanyuan Yu raised his eyebrows, "How could Luo'er hurt Yangyue, Luo'er followed us all the way, there is no possibility at all!"

Xuanyuan Hong's eyes turned to Ling Luo, casting a questioning look.

Ling Luo shrugged indifferently, and said; "Yu is right, I have been watched by you all the way, and I have never met Princess Yangyue, but Miss Princess, she sent two groups of people in a row Assassinating me, this trumped-up charge is too unreasonable to make trouble!"

Of course she couldn't admit it.

Now that I admit it, what is the difference between courting death?
Besides, there was no third person present in the bloody fight that day in the closed room on the second floor of Moshang Xiangfang.

"My lord, the third elder, I was wronged." Ling Luo put on an innocent look, looked at Xuanyuan Hong, and said, "You promised Yu, you will stand by my side today and testify in court. Luo Er The perfect alibi is up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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