Medicine door witch

Chapter 996 The Final Judgment of the Senate

Chapter 996 The Final Judgment of the Senate (3)

"Princess Yangyue is so narrow-minded?"

"Yeah, you actually paid for murder?"

"Oh my God, even if she has a noble status and is the future wife of His Royal Highness, she can't take action against Ling Luo, who is also engaged to His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is the future emperor of the Jialan Empire. Which emperor doesn't have the 72nd concubine of the Sixth Palace of the Three Palaces? Unexpectedly, Princess Yangyue doesn't have the slightest tolerance for others, let alone the magnanimity of a mother!"

"Hey! That's right, the old minister was also very shocked. We really misjudged the person at the beginning, so we believed the regent's instigation, and we worked together to protect his daughter as the crown princess!"



Xuanyuan Zhiji's face was so dark that it couldn't be darker, the muscles on his face were faintly convulsed, and the knuckles of his fists turned white and creaked.

"Jingying, don't talk nonsense!"

A deterrent voice, full of King Wu's anger!
Jianlong's face remained unchanged, with a stubborn determination flashing across his eyes, and he said loudly: "It is because it is in such a fair place as the Senate that Jingying dare not lie. Jingying dares to swear on the life of her younger sister Jingshu, just now Everything you said is true!"

"Jing Ying" leaned down, stretched out a hand, helped Jing Shu's limp body that was already crying and deformed, and said: "Jing Shu was with me during the mission, and she can also testify. "

When things got to this point, the entire Senate has exploded, and the original accusation of Ling Luo's crimes became invalid in an instant.The focus of all the conflicts all ran to Princess Yangyue in an instant.

At this moment, a more convincing voice came from the high platform.

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips were slightly hooked, and a sharp edge was shining in his eyes like black holes, and he said loudly: "This prince can also prove that Xuanyuan Yangyue did instruct Jingying and Jingshu to assassinate Luoer when he was in Xijiu Kingdom. .”

Xuanyuanzhi and the blue veins on his forehead suddenly popped out, and the sound was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, resounding in everyone's ears.

"This is a trial meeting about Ling Luo's crimes. Regarding the matter of the young girl assassinating the criminal daughter Ling Luo, we will postpone the discussion!"

Very domineering behavior.

"First Elder, please continue to judge Ling Luo's crimes!" After speaking, Xuanyuan Zhiji waved his long sleeves, turned around and returned to the high platform.

The first elder, Xuanyuan Gu, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his heart pounding.

Hey, if he knew that he would encounter such a troublesome thing, he would not compete with the second elder for the position of the chief priest.

"Ahem——" Xuanyuan put a fist deep in his bones, put it on his lips, coughed twice symbolically, cleared his throat, and at the same time called the attention of all the ministers in the Senate.

"I now announce that Ling Luo's first charge of murdering Jingying is invalid!"

Ling Luo's beautiful eyes were crystal clear, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised.

Well, everything is under her control.

"Next, we will start the trial of the criminal girl Ling Luo for the second crime, killing the Emperor Xuanzu of Xijiu Kingdom, Chen Jiu!"

Xuanyuan Gu changed the topic, and his eyes became sharp again.

In the Senate, the eyes of all those who stood on Xuanyuan Zhiji's side also became sharper.

The second charge depends on how you deny it!

Ling Luo's complexion remained the same as usual, his eyes became clearer, and he faced Xuanyuan Gu without any fear, and said loudly: "My lord, the first elder, I have never killed Chen Jiu. This crime is a false accusation."

(End of this chapter)

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