phoenix sky

Chapter 963 Heavenly Peak Pill

Chapter 963 Heavenly Peak Pill ([-])

But at this moment, a bolt of thunder poured down from the sky, scaring Shi Hun back a few steps.

"What... what happened here?"

Silver Thunder Tribulation!

Oh my god, this turned out to be the Silver Thunder Tribulation that only appears at the advanced level of refining heaven...

Shi Hun's complexion turned from green to white, and from white to green, even though the refining of high-level heaven-level pills only requires the strength of Lingyuan level.

However, as a strong spirit element, it may not be possible to successfully make a high-level heavenly elixir, but this woman has actually done it...

If...if it is a high-ranking heaven-level alchemist, he can save his daughter's life, and there is no need for a heart as a refining material...

However, now that he has done such a thing, regretting it will not help, so he can only continue.

What's more, Master Xiao Jing's status is noble, far surpassing that of a mid-level alchemist...

Mu Ruyue took out the Fire Control Pill from the Phoenix Cauldron, but she didn't pass it to Ye Wuchen. She took out a bunch of medicinal materials from the Pill Book again, her expression gradually becoming solemn.

Shi Hun was stunned for a moment: "Could it be that she still intends to continue refining pills?"

Just as he was pondering, Ye Wuchen's attack forced him, he hastily withdrew his gaze, and faced the man in front of him wholeheartedly...

Mu Ruyue didn't take a second look at the battle between the two sides. At this moment, all her eyes were fixed on the Phoenix cauldron in front of her.

This time, what she wants to refine is the Zijin Pill that is at the peak of the Heaven Rank!
Because of the difficulty in refining the heavenly elixir, Mu Ruyue first refined the Fire Control Pill. With the help of the Fire Control Pill, she might be able to refine the Zijin Pill in one fell swoop...

Mu Ruyue took a deep breath, her expression was solemn.

"No matter what, I only have one chance, and I can only succeed, never fail!"

Thinking of this, Mu Ruyue swallowed the Fire Control Pill, and with a bang, the flames burned from under the Phoenix Cauldron again...

The bright red flames reflected her face, and in the light of the flames, her expression became more and more determined...

"Is it possible that she still wants to refine the elixir of the peak of the sky?" Shi Hun sneered and shook his head. It is surprising that she is a high-level alchemist of the sky, and it is absolutely impossible to become the pinnacle!
"Nothing is impossible for her."

Ye Wuchen raised his lips and smiled, his handsome face was radiant with determination, and strong flames floated from his body again, all rushing towards Shi Hun.

In an instant, the entire hall collapsed under his attack...

The battle here was dark and murky, and Mu Ruyue was also not relaxed. The elixir of the peak of the sky rank was obviously beyond her load, and within a moment, her face was pale, and cold sweat rolled down her forehead.

Ye Sihuang's heart tightened, and he wanted to help but was helpless...

"Heaven and earth spirit grass, purple sun fruit, and the magic core of the spirit beast..."

Mu Ruyue took a deep breath, picked up a stalk of Heaven and Earth Spirit Grass and threw it into the Phoenix Cauldron. With a chirping sound, the Heaven and Earth Spirit Grass was instantly surrounded by a stream of heat and gradually turned into traces of medicinal power.

Next, Mu Ruyue also threw other medicinal ingredients into the Phoenix Cauldron, but when she wanted to fuse the medicinal power, she felt a strong resistance...


Powerful power penetrated into Mu Ruyue's chest through the flames, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from her mouth, but she didn't stop, her whole heart fell on the Phoenix cauldron...

(End of this chapter)

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