Chapter 114
However, believe it or not, Linyue is not very familiar with him, so naturally there is no need to pay attention to his thoughts.

She was thinking about something.

If the identity of the other party is as she guessed in her heart, then obviously there is no need to sleep outside the city. With so many people under his command, wouldn't he arrange a place for him in advance?

Feng Qi's birthday is just around the corner, and the imperial capital's recent investigations should be much stricter, and the number of strangers coming and going has obviously increased several times—Feng Qi should know all of this, and she must know it in her heart, so she actually has nothing to worry about of.

But one thing is certain, the mainland of Kyushu is really about to cause turmoil.

Whether it is an ambitious person who is about to move in secret, or a person who has no ambition but must take precautions early, they will not continue to calm down.

"May I know the girl's last name?"

The gentle voice interrupted Linyue's contemplation, she looked up at the young man in white robe in front of her.

The face is fair and handsome, with a bit of softness of a woman, but the heroic spirit between the eyebrows and eyes has nothing to do with a woman.

It's really like a frail scholar as recorded in the book, but in his bones, he is definitely not just a frail scholar.

Linyue was thinking like this, and his eyes flicked past the scholar in Tsing Yi beside him. This man's face was not outstanding, but like his master, he had the temperament of a frail scholar, but his appearance was much worse than his master's. , obviously much inferior.

Mr. Ji doesn't know martial arts, and Zixuan next to him, although he looks thin, is definitely a master of masters.

Lin Yue withdrew her gaze and said calmly, "My surname is Bing."

When Mr. Ji heard the words, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, "Zixuan, in the mainland of Kyushu, there is a woman named Bing...have you ever heard of it?"

The meaning of this sentence is of course not to say that the surname Bing is strange, but to say, is there a famous family with the surname Bing?

The scholar in Tsing Yi shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

"Oh." Young Master Ji responded lightly, his brows and eyes drooping slightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zixuan said that he had never heard of it.

That means, this girl is either lying, or... she has never shown her face in front of the world before.

That being the case, what purpose did she suddenly appear outside Feng Canghuang City?

Young Master Ji was just thinking about it, when a dull sound suddenly pierced his eardrums. Although he didn't know martial arts, he could still hear the sound of the city gate opening.

city ​​gate?

He stood up in surprise, Linyue and Chu Feimo also looked at the city gate that was suddenly opened.

Three figures came out one after another, like ghosts in the night.

The guards in Tsing Yi beside Young Master Ji were all stunned, their eyes were sharp, like sharp knives out of their sheaths, and they immediately put on a fighting posture.

The burning fire reflected Linyue's slight tilt, she saw who was coming, her eyes were soft, the corners of her mouth were raised, and her smiling face looked more and more charming, making people dazzled.

"Why are you here?" Lin Yue asked with a smile as the figure was already in front of him.

Although he asked on the lips, he knew in his heart that the expert guards of the High Heaven Pavilion must have reported the letter.

Feng Qi stared at the smile on her lips, and smiled back, "You gave me such a big surprise, do I really let you stay outside the city overnight?"

As he spoke, he looked at the bonfire next to him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, "Aren't you hot?"

It's autumn now, but it's crisp and clear, and this really ingenious.

Linyue shook her head, "It's not hot."

Does not seem to be the enemy.

The guards in Tsing Yi were slightly relieved, but they did not let go of their guard.

Feng Qi took Linyue's hand, no longer obsessed with the boring bonfire, "For you, I alarmed the city guard's yamen, tell me yourself, how should I repay my love?"

The corner of Linyue's mouth twitched, signaling him to look around.

However, Feng Qi saw that the people around him turned a blind eye and dragged Linyue to go into the city, "Let's go home first."

"Your Majesty the Emperor." A gentle voice sounded at this moment, although the voice was not high, it attracted a burst of chilling in the blink of an eye.

Feng Wuhen and Mu Xi, who followed Feng Qi out of the palace, stared indifferently at Young Master Ji who was speaking.

Young Master Ji didn't take it seriously, and looked at the backs of Feng Wu and Lin Yue who were about to leave, with a gentle voice, like a gentle breeze blowing willows, "Liang Chen came from a long distance to attend the birthday ceremony of His Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty But turning a blind eye to distinguished guests from afar, could this be His Majesty's special way of hospitality?"

The corner of Linyue's mouth smiled faintly.

Mr. Ji, Liang Chen.

Heh, Ji Liangchen, the weak emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As early as when Ji Liangchen yelled the words Your Majesty the Emperor, the expression of the scholar Zixuan in Tsing Yi beside him changed. At this moment, he obviously thought of something, and his expression became extraordinarily dignified.

"I'm not in the mood to entertain uninvited guests." Feng Qi said lightly, but turned her head to order, "Wuhen, since the distinguished guest came from afar, we can't lose our courtesy. You are responsible for making arrangements for him." residence."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qi and Lin Yue walked away, Chu Feimo and Mu Xi closely followed behind them.

Feng Wuhen bowed to accept the order, "Yes."

Watching the two of them leave, Ji Liangchen's thoughts changed several times in an instant, and finally he closed his eyes, hiding all the luster in his eyes.

It turned out that the girl...had already found a wife.

Hurrying in the middle of the night, just for your lover?

"My lord, that was Feng Cang's emperor just now?" Zixuan walked beside Ji Liangchen and asked in a low voice.

Ji Liangchen nodded, a little absent-minded, "What's wrong?"

Zixuan subconsciously glanced at Feng Wuhen, and slowly shook his head when he looked away.

The man I saw in Tongcheng the other day turned out to be the emperor who can't see the head and tail?So, the identity of that woman...

Zixuan thought of Dugu Yunting who deliberately created an opportunity to get close to Linyue. Now that he thought about it, Dugu Yunting obviously didn't just take a fancy to her appearance, perhaps, it was more likely... that he took a fancy to the power behind her?
Although it is still uncertain, this girl surnamed Bing who appeared out of nowhere must have some close relationship with the High Heaven Pavilion, which is above the mainland of Kyushu.

The bottom of my heart became heavier because of this extremely possible thought, but Zixuan couldn't say anything.

At least when Feng Wuhen was around, he had to keep silent first.

Ji Liangchen could see that Zixuan had something to say in his heart, but because of the presence of outsiders, he kept his mouth shut.He knew in his heart that it must be about Emperor Fengcang, but for some reason, at this moment, he didn't even think about Fengcang and the world, he just thought, when that woman laughed, it would be like this So beautiful, it seems that even the sun, moon, mountains and rivers have lost their color...

(End of this chapter)

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