Chapter 1002 Not Her Match

They kept running, but found that no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't reach the end.

"No! We're going in circles!"

Yun Jinli said, this last pass is called Jiuqu Huangquan Road, and there is no way to leave it recorded on the map.

"Impossible! We obviously took the straight road."

Master Luanqing replied, they are all rushing forward, how could they be circling?

"From now on, wherever we run, we will leave spiritual fire behind."

Yun Jinli said, this place is too weird.

"it is good."

Everyone listened to Yun Jinli's words, but wherever they ran, they left a cluster of spiritual fire.

Their spiritual fire will not be extinguished so quickly, at least for a few days.

In the beginning, they were slowly lighting up the darkness.

However, when they found that the front was actually bright, instead of being filled with joy, their hearts sank suddenly.

Because they discovered to their horror that those lights were left by their own spiritual fire.

"We're really going in circles."

God Luanqing had no choice but to believe Yun Jinli's words, but they were walking straight, so why were they going in circles?
However, even though they knew they were making a detour, they didn't dare to stop. The sound of dripping water was always approaching.

"By the way, what is that thing chasing us? I'm so annoyed by chasing after us, I really want to turn around and beat him to death."

"That's an evil spirit."

Bei Chenjue said that evil spirits can possess people, turning them into evil spirits.

Once you look back at it, you will be instantly possessed.

If you encounter it, the only thing you can do is not to look back, and at the same time you cannot be caught up.

"Didn't Xuezhan see the figure just now? It shouldn't turn its head, right?"

When Bai Li learned that it was the shadow of an evil spirit, he suddenly felt palpitations.

The evil spirit is not afraid of any spiritual power, and the most important thing is that it is very difficult to deal with.

"Stop running, I have a way to deal with this thing."

Yun Jinli ran away for a long time, and Her Highness the Queen was already furious.

"Stupid woman, that evil spirit is a soul body, how do you deal with it?"

The great god Luanqing said, even if Tianzun encountered this thing, he had no way to deal with it, so he could only run away.

"Between Yin and Yang, there is nothing that cannot be dealt with!"

Yun Jinli said domineeringly, this ghost chased them for a long time, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Qingyan, leave it to you."

After her words fell, a snow-white figure floated out from the nine soul jades between her eyebrows, condensed into a solid body by countless petals.

You Epiphyllum Qingyan, who has been sleeping for a long time, has awakened.

She spread her hands, her long skirt fluttered, and bursts of soft and holy light radiated from her body.

That holy light illuminated the entire tunnel, and that black shadow melted and disappeared instantly like ice and snow meeting sunlight.


Yun Jinli showed a smile towards Qingyan, she hadn't seen her for a long time, she was still a little haggard.

"I can feel her aura. She is the one with the most stubborn temper among the five of us. Besides Jingshilian, she is the strongest one. Even if Xueluo and I join forces, we won't be her match .”

Qingyan told Yun Jinli the news, and she sensed the breath of the Bianhua.

The flowers on the other side bloom, and all things wither.

"I know, you go back first."

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, Qingyan has not fully recovered, so it is not appropriate to come out for too long.

You Epiphyllum merged into the nine soul jades and disappeared without a trace.

"It's actually solved like this! We just ran for nothing."

God Luanqing was dumbfounded.

"It's not running in vain. If we don't run so fast, we walk slowly. I'm afraid we won't find ourselves circling in a lifetime."

Yun Jinli replied.

 Eighth!Good night little snowflake!Remember the super good-looking "Gold Medal Doctor: Black-bellied Concubine"^_^
  The previous one wasn't the end, it was just the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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