Chapter 1005 It's a real mausoleum

The night pearl of water and fire at the top of Tiangong changed color at this moment.

The color that was originally like a bright moon turned red like fire.

The entire sky instantly ignited and fell into a sea of ​​flames.This fire is not an ordinary flame, but a fire that burns the soul, and even Yinghuo can't stop it.

This does not belong to the spirit fire, but directly destroys the soul, turning the soul into fly ash.

It just looks like spiritual fire, but in fact it is the power to kill souls.

Fortunately, Bei Chenjue reacted quickly, and he slapped him directly. Before the flame arrived, he pulled Xuezhan back with his spiritual power and escaped the catastrophe.

"Hey! I couldn't move my body at all just now, the sky is so scary."

Xuezhan said with lingering fear that he was sure that if the master hadn't pulled him down just now, he would have died.

"Next time you are reckless, I won't care about you."

Bei Chenjue's icy voice fell, Xuezhan lowered her head but dared not speak.

He knew that the master was doing it for his own good, and he blamed himself for being too inflated, thinking that his own strength could make a living here, but he didn't expect this place to be so dangerous.

"If we can't walk above, then we can only walk below here."

Yun Jinli guessed that the restriction in the sky should be out of respect for the owner of the tomb, and no one is allowed to fly in this sky.

She can feel that the person who designed this tomb should be full of affection for the owner of the tomb, so no one is allowed to desecrate the owner of the tomb.

Only in this way, she can foresee the hardships and dangers of the road ahead, even if they can already see the heavenly palace, they cannot arrive immediately.

"This first floor of the underground palace, I think it should be the burial place."

Bei Chenjue's clear spring-like voice fell slowly, and the content of the ice-cold voice was even more shocking.

"You said that we have gone through untold hardships, and the first floor of the underground palace that we finally broke through is just a burial pit?"

The Great God Luanqing showed an inconceivable look, which is too unbelievable.

"Now it seems that's true."

Bei Chenjue saw the layout of the second floor of the underground palace. The first floor was full of murderous intentions. All those who entered the tomb were buried with the owner of the tomb.

The second floor of the underground palace is large in scale and majestic, so it can be regarded as the real mausoleum.

"In the underground palace mausoleum, it is arranged according to the way that death is like life, so that the tomb owner will enjoy the same honor after death as before. This specification exceeds the ordinary emperor, which is enough to prove that the tomb owner is extraordinary."

Yun Jinli saw all kinds of trees carved out of gold, silver and jewelry, standing on both sides of the jade steps, which looked like they were in the mortal world.

"Wait, there is something wrong with this jade step."

Bei Chenjue grabbed Yun Jinli, and the long ice crystal staff in his hand stretched towards the jade steps, as if a pair of hands stretched out from under the jade steps, pulling the ice crystal staff in.

He activated the ice crystal staff, and the ground solidified into ice crystals, and everyone saw pairs of hands protruding from the ground.

He took back the ice crystal rod, and it was not easy to take this first step.

"It seems to be safe in the middle. These hands do not appear in every place where the lotus is carved."

Seeing this scene, Yun Jinli was also terrified.

"I'll try."

Bai Li jumped towards the lotus on the jade steps, but nothing unusual happened.

He continued to jump forward, and then called everyone over.

"This lotus is safe, come down quickly!"

Everyone successfully walked down.

At this time, they heard a sound of fighting, which came from far and near.


They followed the prestige and saw a scene they would never forget.

 The third one!

(End of this chapter)

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