Chapter 1010 Should be fine

Riding on the hidden soul animal skin, they can take this opportunity to recover their strength.

With Feng Liuyue and Shenglian defending against Bianhua, they were much more relaxed.

Feng Qingyun looked at this underground palace, his eyes lit up.

"There are so many treasures! Look at the pillars and those trees. What a beautiful place."

"Only you have the leisure to appreciate baby."

Yun Jinli saw that Feng Qingyun was fearless no matter where he was, and his psychological quality was really not ordinary.

"Ahead is a lake of mercury."

They stopped in front of Mercury Lake. This huge Mercury Lake was full of poison, and they didn't know what was hidden under it.

"The surface of this lake is full of highly poisonous mist. I don't know if the barrier can resist it."

Yun Jinli saw the poisonous mist with colorful halos floating above Mercury Lake, which was as beautiful as it was beautiful, and extremely dangerous.

Feng Qingyun threw out a hard spirit stone, and in the eyes of everyone, the spirit stone was instantly corroded.

Seeing this result, everyone's heart sank.

"This colorful poisonous mist can corrode everything."

Bei Chenjue said that he had recovered some of his divine power, seeing the Mercury Lake in front of him, if he wanted to pass through, he had to find a way to resist the colorful poisonous fog.

"Mother, I can absorb the poisonous mist and open a path for everyone."

The little butterfly spoke, flapping its wings and flying towards the outside.

He absorbed the colorful poisonous mist, and the poisonous mist here faded a bit, and everyone took this opportunity to pass.

The little butterfly opened the way in front of them, but the mercury lake began to churn.

"Gollum! Gollum!"

There are more and more bubbles below, as if something is about to come out of this mercury lake.

Everyone saw the situation below and knew that danger was approaching.

Yun Jinli stared closely at Mercury Lake, wondering what was underneath.


A sound of water resounded, and Yun Jinli saw a huge face appearing at the bottom of the Mercury Lake. It opened its mouth wide, like a whirlpool, sucking them upwards, sucking them into the whirlpool.

"Mother, save me!"

The little butterfly flapped its wings, trying to escape from the huge suction.But the suction was too strong, and he kept going down.

Yun Jinli flew out of the hidden soul animal skin, and took the little butterfly back.

However, the huge suction force below dragged her down. The force was so powerful that it would swallow people like a black hole.

When Yun Jinli was pulled down, Bei Chenjue held her hand.

"Little Yunduo, don't let go, I will pull you up."

She looked up and saw Bei Chenjue's firm gaze, and smiled.

"Oops, it's dangerous!"

Feng Qingyun saw silver threads flying out of the Mercury Lake below, winding towards Yun Jinli.

Seeing this, Feng Liuyue immediately jumped down holding the ancient emperor sword in her hand, before the sword was sheathed, the sword energy cut off all those silver threads.

She slapped Yun Jinli with her palm and sent her up, but she was pulled into the silver vortex by the huge suction force, Shenglian also jumped down when she saw this.


Seeing Feng Liuyue being sucked into the vortex of Mercury Lake in order to save herself, Yun Jinli immediately yelled, her eyes turned red.

Seeing that she was about to jump down to find Feng Liuyue, Feng Qingyun quickly grabbed her.

"Old sister will be fine, don't go down, or she will be in vain? And Lian Shen has already gone, so there must be no problem."

Although he was also worried about Feng Liuyue, if it was normal, there would be no problem, but the key is that she is pregnant now, so he has no idea.

Fortunately, Shenglian went to save people, so it should be fine.

 Eighth more!

(End of this chapter)

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