The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1012 A Certain Emperor's Palace

Chapter 1012 A Certain Emperor's Palace

The battle was extremely fierce, and spiritual powers of various colors were intertwined, like fireworks in the sky.

Wind dragons, snow blades, water curtains, fire rains, earth walls, and golden spears emerge one after another, and all parties are trying their best to seize the gemstone of the sky eye.

In addition to being wary of each other, they also have to guard against the attacks of these giant stone statues.

At this time, a huge stone statue stopped suddenly, and everyone saw that the sky-eye gemstone on its forehead had disappeared, but no one knew who got it.

"The statue has lost its meaning."

The others acted decisively and went to compete for other Sky Eye gemstones.

At this time, Yun Jinli and Feng Liuyue were sitting on the hidden soul animal skin, taking advantage of other people's attention, they took the opportunity to take down a sky eye gemstone.

Not long after, the heavenly eyes of several other stone sculptures were taken down, and all the huge statues stopped and stopped moving.

"Since the Sky Eye Gem has its own ownership, the party that holds the Sky Eye Gem can enter. The others must leave!"

A man spoke, holding a sky eye gem in his hand.

Now that he has not entered the Tiangong, if he consumes too much power, it will obviously be disadvantageous, so he thought of this method.

"Okay! I don't want to waste time on this kind of thing."

Another person who won the Sky Eye Gem agreed to his proposal.

Those who can snatch the gems of the Sky Eye have their own means. It is not worthwhile to fight head-on here. No one can get all the gems, so it is better to cooperate temporarily.

"We also agree."

Yun Jinli replied that they were pressed for time and had no time to delay any longer.

"My king agrees."

A majestic male voice fell, and Yun Jinli couldn't help but look over, and saw a familiar but unfamiliar face.

He said he was familiar because he was an old friend, and he said he was unfamiliar because his eyes were cold at the moment, as if he didn't know her.

This man was Xilingtian. He felt a special gaze falling on him, and he also looked at Yun Jinli, showing a hint of doubt.

For some reason, this person gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Today he is Xilingtian, but he is also the king of Xiling, who has been completely reborn after receiving the inheritance of the ancient blood.

All parties agreed, and those who did not get the Sky Eye Gem all showed ugly expressions on their faces.

But those who have the Sky Eye Gem won't let them take advantage of it and drive them away directly.

Unless you stand with the allied forces, you are not eligible to enter.

"Okay, the clearing is over, everyone take out the Sky Eye Gem!" One person said.

Everyone took out their Sky Eye gemstones one after another, and saw the rays of light of the nine gemstones merge together, and finally flew towards the Heavenly Palace.

The gate of Tiangong opened slowly, and they rushed in without thinking about it.

This heavenly palace is the main tomb, and there are Bianhua flowers in it, which can also reveal the secrets of this peerless tomb.

As for who the owner of this tomb is, they believe they will know soon.

After Yun Jinli and his party passed through the gate, they rode on the hidden soul animal skin and disappeared without a trace.

The palace was so huge that everyone disappeared without a trace as if they were fish in a river.

Yun Jinli held the Bianhua Bronze Mirror in her hand, and everyone rushed towards the depths of the hall.

"This place doesn't look like a tomb at all, but rather like breaking into the palace of some emperor."

Bai Li said, this place does not have the gloomy feeling outside, but instead gives people the illusion that they are not in the tomb.

 Geer is a little tired today, so I will write slower.

(End of this chapter)

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