Chapter 1015 is good at weaving dreams

Xilingtian is good at formations, and Beichenjue is best at Qimen Dunjia Mechanism.

The secret passage leading to the underground was discovered by Bei Chenjue.

"Where is this underground agency?"

After Yun Jinli arrived, she couldn't wait to ask.

She and Feng Liuyue searched for it for so long, even though she knew that there might be a tomb below, she couldn't go down at all.

"The organ is in the mouth of this tomb-suppressing beast."

Bei Chenjue pointed to a sculpture of a staghorn beast standing beside it. This beast is the tomb-suppressing beast of the Tiangong, protecting the soul of the tomb owner from being disturbed.

No one would have thought that the organ that opens the secret passage below would be inside this beast's mouth.

He observed that there was a secret passage below, and he also determined where the mechanism was, but he didn't really open it.

"Since you know the switch, why don't you turn it on first?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"In order to prevent other accidents, I will wait for you to come before opening."

Bei Chenjue was very cautious in doing things, which made Yun Jinli nod his head involuntarily.

If they drive first and are discovered by others, a bloody battle will inevitably occur.

"There's something in the beast's mouth, you can't put your hand in it."

Yun Jinli felt a familiar smell in the beast's mouth, which was the smell of borers.

"Generally speaking, the mechanism will arrange some poisonous or other things, and we will use spiritual power to open it."

Knowing that what she said was correct, Bei Chenjue tried to detect the inside of the beast's mouth with spiritual power, and then found the mechanism and turned it.

However, the next moment, that spiritual power was completely swallowed up.

If Bei Chenjue hadn't disconnected the spiritual power, a black mist would have spread out along with the spiritual power.

"Sure enough, there are worms growing here."

When Yun Jinli saw the wisp of black mist, if it wasn't for the sleeping moth, everyone in the tomb would have struggled to move forward.

"Mother, I'm going to open the mechanism."

The little butterfly volunteered and flew into the beast's mouth.

"Be careful."

Yun Jinli knew that Little Butterfly could deter worms, so he was relieved to turn on the switch.


After a crisp sound, the staghorn beast sculpture rose a few points upwards, revealing a dark passage.

"Go in."

Without hesitation, everyone entered that passage.

After someone came in, he increased the weight, and the staghorn beast sank.

Yun Jinli felt that this was like taking a small elevator, but after the staghorn beast sculpture sank to its previous position, they saw a corridor in front of them.

This is a tomb passage, and the darkness shrouds it, making people feel particularly depressing.

Feng Qingyun took out the Suzaku lamp and illuminated the tomb passage.

"There are murals on both sides of the tomb, which seem to record the life of a certain man."

He observed the mural next to it. The color of this mural was extremely bright, and even after countless years passed, it never faded.

But gradually, everyone felt that the people on the mural, as if they had stepped out of the painting, reached out and pulled towards them, trying to pull them into the painting.


Feng Liuyue snorted coldly, and the ancient emperor sword in her hand exuded sword intent, and everyone felt their bewildered heads suddenly regain consciousness, and all the illusions that had appeared before disappeared.

"Bianhua is best at weaving dreams! It makes people hallucinate, and even makes people die in the illusion."

Yin Yang Hua Xueluo told Yun Jinli the news so that she wouldn't take it lightly.


As soon as Xueluo's words fell, everyone saw the stone walls around them squeezing towards the middle, as if they were going to squeeze them into meatloaf.

 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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