Chapter 1023 Her name is Qian Huan Yuxi

"Yueyue's situation has stabilized."

Yun Jinli put away the Tianlong Magic Qin, looking haggard.

The peerless tomb was full of murderous intentions, and she didn't know if Xilingtian could leave safely, but they were not in the same place at the time, so there was no way.

But she knew that Xilingtian was good at ancient formations, so she would be fine.

Now he should be the king of Xiling.

"I'll take her back to rest, thank you."

Shenglian hugged Feng Liuyue and took her back to take care of her.

"You're welcome, I should thank you for your help. Without everyone's help, I would not be able to find the Bianhua."

Yun Jinli said sincerely that everyone has helped her a lot along the way and they will never leave her.

She feels lucky to have such a partner.

"You are a friend of Little Crescent Moon, and she is willing to help you."

Shenglian left with Feng Liuyue in her arms, and met Feng Qingyun on the way, so they went back together.

"Woman, your Nine Soul Jade, we should be able to go in too, right?"

The great god Luanqing said, salivating for the aura in the nine soul jades.

Although Zhiyue's tassel was full of aura, Master Ta was too difficult to provoke, so it was better not to provoke him.

"It should be possible. I'll try to see if I can take you in."

Yun Jinli only remembered after being reminded by the Great God Luanqing that the nine soul jades are a huge space for life.

The great god Luanqing successfully entered the nine soul jades, and the aura inside was so strong that he didn't want to leave at all.

"Woman, it's so good here, I won't go out and practice in it."

"it is good."

Yun Jinli replied.

"Xiao Jin, I will also go inside to practice with the Great God."

Bai Li opened his mouth and said.

"That's fine, you all go in! But be careful not to provoke those flowers."

Yun Jinli received Baili, Biluo, and Feihong Taxue into the Nine Soul Jade. The aura in that place was extremely strong, which was of great benefit to them.

"I don't know why this little golden nanmu coffin is in the dragon coffin? Also, since the peerless tomb is a suspicious tomb, where is the real tomb of the god emperor? What kind of man-made is this tomb? Come out? What is the purpose?"

When Yun Jinli came back from the Peerless Tomb, she still had many unsolved mysteries in her heart.

There are even more questions than before entering.

"I don't know, maybe Bianhua knows."

Bei Chenjue shook his head, but he couldn't understand it either.

They observed the small golden nanmu coffin, but no matter what methods they used, they still couldn't open it.

In the end, Bei Chenjue put it away. Although I don't know what the use is, maybe the mystery will be solved in the future?
"I'll ask You Meng who built that tomb."

Bei Chenjue communicated with You Meng through Yun Jinli's spiritual connection.

"She said that a woman built this peerless tomb. That woman spent thousands of years building this peerless tomb. She told her that the god emperor was buried in it and asked her to guard it. She agreed."

"Who is that woman? She was able to build such a dangerous tomb."

Yun Jinli was shocked when she learned that the person who built the tomb was a woman.

"At that time, the world's number one god-level weapon spiritualist, named Qian Huan Yuxi, was proficient in thousands of mysterious mechanisms and strange formations. It was she who built this peerless tomb with her own hands, and let the other side of the flower guard the tomb."

Bei Chenjue told what he learned from You Meng, this woman can be said to be a worldly genius.

"Qian Huanyuxi, is she still alive?"

Yun Jinli felt that the existence of this peerless tomb must have an extraordinary purpose.


(End of this chapter)

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