Chapter 1031 A Broken Fate
After they left, ripples appeared on the sacred cherry tree.

A cherry blossom girl in a long pink dress appeared on the branch.

She saw a box of things on the canopy, and couldn't help opening it curiously.

She felt that there seemed to be the breath of Emperor Qing.

She stretched out her hand to pick up a piece of ice heart jade slip, and scenes of scenes flooded into her mind.

Those long-buried past events came to my mind.

Tears blurred his vision and fell like raindrops.

Holding this box of icy heart jade slips in her arms, she looked at the sacred willow tree on the other side of the Liuli Lake with tears in her eyes.

They are here across the glazed lake, staring at it for a lifetime, they are so close, but their hearts are so far away.

"A heart of ice, how can I miss it."

She wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. If it wasn't for all kinds of misunderstandings and doubts, she would have put on her wedding dress and become a couple of immortals with him.

Can their broken fate continue?

She couldn't even be sure.

"Who sent this?"

She looked at the box, and there seemed to be a familiar breath on it.

"Is she back?"

At this time, Yun Jinli had already returned to the Liu family mansion, but to her surprise, she did not see Liu Lianqing and the others.

"Will the concubine and the others go out?"

Xiao Dian opened his mouth and said.

"I'll know if I ask."

Yun Jinli found a maid and asked Liu Lianqing about their itinerary.

"Where did the old lady go?"

"Reporting to the Crown Princess, the old lady and the others have gone to the newly built street."

The maid quickly replied, seeing that the prince and concubine had returned, she naturally did not dare to be slighted.

The maids here are all sent by Bei Chenjue, so they are naturally very sensible.

"Mother and grandma went to Xinjie. It seems that the construction is almost finished. Let's go and have a look!"

Yun Jinli thought of the commercial street she designed, which was personally supervised by Ji Yunliang, and it seemed that it was almost completed.

Thinking of this, she was full of anticipation.

"Well, I'm also curious what the streets you design will look like."

Bei Chenjue nodded, and the group walked towards the commercial street.

Not long after, a beautiful street appeared in front of his eyes, all white walls and black tiles, houses with long porches.Row upon row of houses, the colors are extremely elegant, and they are built in the architectural style of Jiangnan water town.

The incomparably spacious street is paved with white-grained stones, allowing at least twenty carriages to pass through at the same time, and it looks extremely majestic.

The most beautiful thing is that there are flowers and trees on both sides of the whole street. Although the flowers are not in bloom at the moment, they look very beautiful because of the decoration of falling snow.

This street has not yet opened for business, but seeing such results, Bei Chenjue was shocked.

"This is the most beautiful street I have ever seen! It can be said to be the first street in Longyuan Continent!"

Bei Chenjue couldn't help exclaiming, he had never seen such a beautiful street with such a harmonious planning and construction.

Other streets are full of crooked buildings in a mess, and the streets are narrow and crowded, but this is different, it is completely shocking at first glance.

The streets are neat and tidy, and the buildings are exquisite and exquisite, full of charm.

"It seems that Ji Yunliang is a talent, and he built this street completely according to my design."

Yun Jinli said in surprise, with this row of standing lamps, it is the most beautiful even at night.

At this moment, there are golden troops guarding the street, and when they saw Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue, they saluted immediately.

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

"I have seen the princess!"


(End of this chapter)

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