The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1037 His Royal Highness is too much

Chapter 1037 His Royal Highness is too much

Many cherry blossom trees by the lake were transplanted into Yunxue Starry Sky by Yun Jinli. In this way, the cherry blossom trees here were not damaged.

Leng Jiu, Liang Mei, Mu Lao, and Ruan Qinghe all came to Jiangxue City together, and still lived in Liuyun Huajing.

When everyone in the Liu family learned about Yun Jinli's mansion below, they ordered some maids and servants to help clean it up.

"Miss! This place is so beautiful!"

Liang Mei hadn't seen Yun Jinli for a long time, her face was full of joy.

"You will live here from now on."

Yun Jinli said, seeing that Mu Lao hesitated to speak, she knew that he wanted to worry about her granddaughter.

"Ruoxin is doing well in the Holy Mansion, she is now by Elder Tang's side, there is no need for Elder Mu to worry."

"That's good! That's good!"

When Mu Lao learned that Mu Ruoxin was well, he immediately smiled.

"I heard that if you help build the city here, you can move here?"

Ruan Qinghe just heard about this matter, and couldn't help feeling a little moved.

"Well, that's it."

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, and answered.

"This place is really a good place with beautiful mountains and rivers. I will go home and discuss it with them, hoping to move here."

Ruan Qinghe likes this place very much, but they are a rich family with roots in other places, so they will not move easily.

"I'll go back immediately. If I can come here earlier, I can choose a suitable place."

"it is good."

Yun Jinli said, if more big clans helped, they would build Jiangxue City more smoothly.

The news that Jiangxue City was going to be expanded quickly spread throughout the ancient country of Xinghe.After all, this is a big event, and it is impossible to hide it.

This matter was presided over by the crown prince, Bei Chenjue, even if someone wanted to object, they dared not say anything, they could only talk about it behind their backs.

"Then Jiangxue City is just a remote town, what's the use of expanding it?"

"I heard that is the hometown of the Crown Princess."

"It seems that the Crown Prince expanded Jiangxue City for the Crown Princess."

"I heard that if you work hard to build a city in Jiangxue City, you can get a piece of land, but I don't even want that kind of broken land if you give it to me."

"Isn't it? We big clans, how can we value that poor place?"

"I heard that the Ji clan has moved over."

"Ji Yunliang is the lord of the city, so there is nothing wrong with them moving there."

"That's right, the Ji family is just a small clan."

"I heard that the Ruan family also decided to move there. I wonder if it's true?"

"How is that possible?"

"It must be a rumor."

When the various clans were talking about Jiangxue City, an imperial list announced to the world once again shocked the ancient country of Galaxy.

"Jiangxue City bestowed upon the Crown Princess as her personal fiefdom, and there is no need to pay taxes."

Upon hearing the news, the government and the public were shocked.

"Jiangxue City was actually granted to the Crown Princess, this is against the rules!"

"The crown princess is not a prince or princess, how can she be eligible to enjoy the fiefdom?"

"The prince's move is too absurd."

"How can you do this? It's against the law of the country!"

Suggestions of opposition from various races were submitted one after another, causing the emperor of the ancient galaxy a headache.

"Canonize the crown princess as Xueyun Hou, enfeoff the land of Jiangxue City, and become the new city lord of Jiangxue City."

Another decree was promulgated, and it was a complete mess of willfulness.

Since they said that Yun Jinli is not qualified, then Bei Chenjue will give her the qualifications.

What are the rules?What is the law of the country?
His Bei Chenjue's words are the rules of the Xinghe Kingdom, the national laws of the Xinghe Kingdom.

"Father, isn't His Royal Highness the Crown Prince too much?"

"How can you make a woman a prince?"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince spoils the Crown Princess too much. This is a demon girl who will bring disaster to the country!"

The princes and princesses immediately became dissatisfied and met the emperor one after another.

 The second update!If you have a monthly pass, remember to vote!Give Geer encouragement!
(End of this chapter)

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