Chapter 1040

"Since everyone is willing to stay, I will decide to set aside an entire area in the west of the city as your residence."

Yun Jinli took out the plan and divided a large piece of land for them.

"As for which piece of land everyone chooses, it will be decided by lottery, which is more fair."

Hearing her words, everyone nodded again and again.

"In addition, in the middle, the palace will build a building as a place for everyone to discuss and communicate."

"That's great! Thank you, the city lord!"

Elder Xu couldn't help nodding his head when he heard the words. During this period of getting along, we all made a lot of friends. Now there is a place where we can communicate and discuss in the future. It couldn't be better.

"In addition, I have a teleportation array, and I need everyone to help build it."

Yun Jinli said that she planned to build a huge cross-boundary teleportation array, which might be used in the future.

"Leave this to us."

Everyone spoke.

"Yun Liang will arrange the rest."

Yun Jinli immediately became the hands-free shopkeeper, and just after taking a break, Ji Yunliang couldn't help but sneezed after the housewarming was over.

"Why do you have a bad feeling? Who is missing me again?"

After arranging these formation masters, Yun Jinli returned to the tower.

Bei Chenjue stood on the city tower, overlooking this beautiful and domineering city of Jiangxue.

"Little Yunduo, the name of this city is up to you."

"Let's call it Jiang Xuecheng!"

Using her finger as a pen, Yun Jinli wrote the words Jiang Xuecheng on the blank jade plaque.

The flowing handwriting exuded a peerless arrogance.

"You asked every household in the city to grow their own vegetables, and you asked everyone to dig a well. Is it to prevent the city from being closed one day in the future?"

Bei Chenjue saw Jiangxue City's new urban area, and now almost every household has yards and wells, which shows that Yun Jinli has thought far ahead.

In addition, he also saw that Yun Jinli reserved more than half of Jiangxue City's area for planting fruit trees and food, so that Jiangxue City could be completely self-sufficient.

"Jue, although I don't hope that day will come, no matter what happens, it's always right to be fully prepared."

Yun Jinli looked at Jiangxue City today, even though many people joined in, it still didn't look crowded, she left a lot of space.

"But you really feel relieved to let me do this, and you are not afraid that I will simply establish myself as the king and leave your Xinghe country?"

She looked at Bei Chenjue. Now Jiangxue City can be said to be impenetrable by an army, and it can be self-sufficient in both water and food.

"You are my queen! Everything about me belongs to you."

Bei Chenjue stared into her eyes, and embraced her in his arms.

"Even if you want this beautiful mountain and river, why not let it go to you?"

"Even if these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are given to me, I don't want them."

Yun Jinli turned over and jumped onto the roof of the tower.

"Why not?"

Sitting beside her, Bei Chenjue asked curiously, how many people tried their best to want this great river and mountain, but she dismissed it.

"Even though this beautiful country is picturesque, it is better to be drunk and lying on the knees of a beautiful woman, to be so chic and happy!"

Yun Jinli turned around, stretched out her hand to pinch his beautiful chin, and the corners of her lips curved into a beautiful curve.

Prince Beichen has been molested!

"I'd rather indulge in the mountains and rivers and live according to my heart than in the prison of the red wall and the palace."

If she could choose, she would like to live a peaceful life, simple and unpretentious.


(End of this chapter)

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