Chapter 1047

"Princess, this is the guest room, please come in."

A disciple of the Hua clan personally brought the team to the residence.

The imperial guards immediately stood guard outside the courtyard, only Yun Jinli and Mo Yu walked into the courtyard.

This other garden is called Luochen Pavilion, and the layout inside is very elegant.

"Okay, back off."

Yun Jinli waved her hand and walked into Luochen Pavilion.

"Xiao Yu, help me find out where the Hua clan leader lives and where she usually moves around. I also need to know about the situation of the Hua clan's major forces."

"I'll go check it out now."

Mo Yu nodded, and immediately went to investigate what Yun Jinli said.

Yun Jinli didn't stay here, but took Xiaodiandian out for a walk.

She didn't let the guards follow, so as not to be too noticeable.

"Miss, where are we going?"

Xiao DianDian asked, his idea was very simple, wherever the young lady went, he would go there.

"I don't know what's going on inside the Hua Clan, let's walk around and have a look."

Yun Jinli asked Mo Yu to investigate, so she had to know something about it herself.

Now it's the birthday of the patriarch of the Hua clan, so the Hua clan gathered people from all clans who came to give gifts. She took Xiaodiandian to a place where there were few people, and released paper butterflies to see if she could find anything.

"Huh? Why are the guards in that place so strict?"

Yun Jinli saw a garden that was extremely heavily guarded, which was beyond her expectation.

This is neither a residence nor a medicine garden. Why are there so many guards?
And according to her observation, a special formation was set up in this garden to prevent people from breaking in.

She scanned the garden with her spiritual sense, and it was because it was so ordinary that it caught her attention.

"This garden is very beautiful, let's go for a walk."

She walked towards the garden with Xiaodian, but was immediately stopped by the guards.

"This is a forbidden area, you two, please go for a walk elsewhere."

A guard said that he saw Yun Jinli's luxurious clothes and knew that there were many people from the rich clan gathered here, so they didn't dare to offend at will.

"Isn't it just a broken garden? Why don't you let us in?"

Xiao DianDian immediately asked, showing an angry expression.

"I'm really sorry, this place really can't go in."

The guards looked embarrassed, but they still guarded the garden, preventing them from taking a step forward.

"Why are there so many people in this place? Could it be that there is some treasure hidden?"

Yun Jinli asked tentatively, secretly using mind reading skills to probe the inner thoughts of these guards.

Every once in a while, they will change people to guard here.

They didn't find any treasures, and they didn't hear anything hidden here, so let alone Yun Jinli was puzzled, even they were surprised.

"Girl, please go back."

The guard spoke again.

"Isn't it just a garden? It doesn't matter if you don't go."

Yun Jinli didn't ask any further questions, so as not to arouse suspicion.

She and Xiaodiandian left here, but kept a secret in mind.

This place is very suspicious. If there are really treasures hidden here, it is normal for heavy soldiers to guard it, but there is nothing here, so there will inevitably be problems.

Most importantly, according to the guard's inner thoughts, Yun Jinli knew that these guards did not stay here for a long time, but were often replaced.

Explain that some people don't want them to discover the secrets in this garden, so the personnel can be changed.

In this way, in a short period of time, generally no one will discover the clues.

"Miss, are we leaving just like that?"

Xiao Dian asked.

"Come back tonight."

Yun Jinli replied.

 Fourth update!Ge'er has something to do today, so I don't have time to finish.

  Will update more tomorrow.Sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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