Chapter 1049 You Can Only Look Up

Hua Liuyan has never met such a brazen person!
She has a fart respect for her. If it weren't for the crowds here, she wouldn't be able to show her dissatisfaction with the royal family, and she would have turned her back a long time ago.

Where else can I salute her respectfully?

"It seems that everyone is getting along very happily, and Liu Yan knows the general situation best, so let's treat all the distinguished guests well!"

The person who came was an elder of the Hua clan, Hua Qingqiu.

Middle-aged, with a bit of elegance, wearing a blue robe and a white undershirt.The neckline and cuffs are patterned with bamboo leaves, embroidered with silver thread.

He is holding a folding fan in his hand, with ink orchids painted on the fan.


Hua Liuyan responded, with every kind of reluctance in his heart, but he could only swallow it.

Although Hua Qingqiu's status in the painting clan is not as high as her mother's, she is also a descendant of her grandparents.

Grandma gave birth to a son and a daughter, and Hua Qingqiu's father is grandma's youngest son.If it weren't for the fact that the blood of the Hua clan can only be inherited by the legitimate daughter, Hua Qingqiu would probably be the best candidate for the successor of the patriarch of the Hua clan.

She also heard the meaning of Hua Qingqiu's words, so she should understand the general situation.

He got the news that there was a conflict between Hua Liuyan and the princess, so he came here to reconcile the conflict.

Now that the clan longevity banquet is coming soon, he naturally does not want any disputes to arise.

But the current picture surprised Hua Qingqiu.

It is obvious that the Crown Princess is not the one who suffers. She is sitting in the gazebo and eating fruit leisurely. On the contrary, the faces of other people are ugly, as if they have eaten flies.

"This princess is really not simple."

He had heard about Princess Beichen a long time ago, but she was the little-known Miss of the Liu family. As everyone said, no one knew which small family the Liu family was, it was really too small.

If it wasn't for the relationship between the Crown Princess, I'm afraid everyone would not know that there is such a small family.

Now the Liu family is well known to everyone, just because there is a crown princess.

"A sparrow flies to a branch to become a phoenix, but it requires means."

He knew that not just anyone could become a dragon and phoenix among others.From a young lady of a small family to a noble concubine of the ancient galaxy country, this shows that she is very powerful.

"Meet the princess."

As a member of the painting clan, Hua Qingqiu naturally had to salute when he saw the princess.

"No need to be polite."

Seeing Hua Qingqiu looking at her, Yun Jinli nodded slightly at him.

So what if she is from the Liu family?Come out in the name of the princess, whether they are willing or not, they still have to respect her.

Even if the Hua family is very powerful, is it the king's land in the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land.

This world, after all, belongs to the Beichen family!
"Miss Hua is so knowledgeable and intelligent, naturally I don't need me to teach you what is high and low next time, right?"

She stood up and walked out of the gazebo with Xiaodian, her faint voice fell unhurriedly, extremely clear.

Hua Liuyan bit her red lip, almost biting the skin of her mouth, before resisting the urge to strangle her to death.

She forced an ugly smile.

"Keep your mouths in check. You must know that misfortune comes from your mouth. The height of my birth is not important. The important thing is that you can only look up to me now."

Yun Jinli's words instantly made the faces of these famous families who thought they were of noble birth burn hot.

"The Beichen royal family will not fall for a day, and you will be ministers after all."

"The princess is right."

They repeatedly replied, can you say no?

They wouldn't dare to say that in public even if they had a hundred guts, after all, the Beichen clan is the oldest royal family in the ancient Galaxy country.

 The first update!Make up for yesterday's.

(End of this chapter)

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