Chapter 105

"I want to live!"

The young man said, his originally weak eyes also showed a ray of firmness.

The girl in front of him is younger than him, and she is not timid when facing this group of wild foxes. How can he back down as a man?
"We'll make it out alive."

He said to Yun Jinli, seeing her nodding, he felt full of strength.


Yun Jinli saw that he had the desire to survive, and she couldn't help the man who was completely desperate in his heart.

"Let's rest where we are first."

She knew that he had reached his limit now, and if he continued to run, he would directly die of exhaustion.

"They won't attack until dark."

Yun Jinli shook them back with spiritual power before, but they didn't dare to approach for a while.

"Why are you alone in Gale Desert?"

She sat down and ate, and also handed the young man water and food.

"When I was in the family trial, I was hunted down by someone, and then I fell into a space gate and came here."

The young man didn't know that this was the Gale Desert, and only now did he know what it was from Yun Jinli's mouth.

"My name is Xilingtian, what's the girl's name?"

Xilingtian introduced himself, a pair of dark golden pupils were more eye-catching than the sun-dyeed gravel.

His hair color was also gilded and looked brilliant.

The angular outline is like a sculpture carefully crafted by an artist.

Even though he was extremely embarrassed, the exquisite clothing materials and his temperament made Yun Jinli guess that he had a good background.

"You don't need to know my name, why doesn't the son of the Xiling family have any treasures for self-defense?"

Yun Jinli has the ability to read minds, so she can know what is going on in his mind, whether he is lying or not.

"I'm not a son, I'm just an insignificant little person. During the training, everyone's magic weapon will be temporarily taken away, which is also for the sake of fairness."

Xi Lingtian said to her that he didn't have any precautions and was so innocent that Yun Jinli was surprised.

She easily read his heart and knew that he was a young prince of the Xiling royal family, and everyone else was talented, only he had mediocre talent since he was a child, not outstanding at all.

The competition for candidates for the throne of the Xiling royal family is very fair, and everyone with royal blood, regardless of gender, can participate in the trial.

The weakest Xilingtian originally gave up the opportunity to go to the trial, but for some reason he was on the roster.

Not long after he entered the trial ground, he was attacked and escaped by running all the way.

However, in Yun Jinli's view, the other party could have killed Xilingtian at that time, and that person's purpose was to let Xilingtian fall into the Gale Desert by himself.

Yun Jinli couldn't figure out why a young prince with ordinary talent would be carefully framed.

He escaped death in the Gale Desert, if he hadn't met Yun Jinli, he would have died at this moment.

"How can the Xiling people cultivate such stupid people?"

Yun Jinli shook her head, feeling incomprehensible to this guy's innocence.

"Is the girl talking about me?"

Xi Lingtian didn't understand how stupid he was, he didn't grow up in the palace since he was a child, he lived outside all the time, but he rarely interacted with other people.

The masters who teach are always invited, and he rarely contacts outsiders.

"It's pretty self-aware."

Looking at his innocent appearance, Yun Jinli thought he was cute and silly.

She felt that Xilingtian grew up in such an environment, as if someone deliberately protected it.

(End of this chapter)

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