The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1054 The Forbidden Land of the Blackwater Swamp

Chapter 1054 The Forbidden Land of the Blackwater Swamp

A large jacaranda forest in front of them was in the darkness, and it looked as if there were countless black shadows swaying.

In the grass by the stream, there are fireflies dancing, dispelling the depression of the night.

The forbidden area of ​​Qianqiu Dream Valley is a black water swamp in the valley.

"Miss, are we here yet?"

Xiaodian glanced at the map before, and the forbidden area seemed to be near the woods.

"It's coming soon."

Yun Jinli said, it is very quiet here, and the sound of insects can be heard.

This valley is very large, and behind this jacaranda forest, there is a black water swamp that no one dares to come to.

A round of bright moon poked its head out from the dark clouds, and sprinkled the soft moonlight on the forest.

The dark woods are suddenly covered with a dreamlike veil, and the blue petals are like water mist, which is so beautiful that it takes people's breath away.

Passing through the jacaranda forest, a sea of ​​golden flowers suddenly caught Yun Jinli's eyes.

In the Blackwater Swamp, there is a line of black water running through the entire swamp, and the poisonous mist shrouded in the sky makes people dare not approach it.

"Dian Dian, this swamp is highly poisonous, do you want to stay here and wait for me?"

Seeing this beautiful mist, Yun Jinli knew it was the miasma of the swamp.

These miasmas are pervasive and may invade the lungs at any time.

"Miss, I'm not afraid of these miasmas."

Xiao DianDian held the Heavenly Brahma Bell in her hand, and the Buddha's light swept away the poisonous miasma, making it impossible to get close.

"Okay, let's go in then."

Yun Jinli flew in the air, not avoiding the poisonous fog at all.

"Miss, why did you pass by like this?"

Xiao DianDian exclaimed, worried that she would be poisoned.

"I'm not afraid of these miasmas, there's no need to worry."

Yun Jinli has Supreme Gu, which is now invulnerable to all poisons, except for some special poisons, most of the poisons cannot hurt her.

Supreme Gu is the supreme of ten thousand poisons, so it is not afraid of severe poison.

Bi Luo cheered and flew beside Yun Jinli.


When they appeared above the swamp, the sea of ​​golden flowers below suddenly exploded.

Countless flowers flew up and rushed towards them.

It turned out that these were not flowers at all, but golden beetles the size of palms.

"Master, don't bother the boss, these guys just fill my stomach."

Bi Luo said excitedly, wanting to have a big meal.

"Stay honest."

Seeing his impatient look, Yun Jinli shook her head speechlessly.

"Little Butterfly, find out where my grandpa is."

She still counts on these golden flower bug swarms to help her find someone. If Bi Luo eats them up, how can she find them?
"Mother, wait a moment."

The little butterfly fluttered its wings and flew towards the swarm, and the aggressive swarm instantly became his little brother.

"Boss is too powerful."

Bi Luo couldn't help but sigh with emotion, compared with the boss, he felt that he was nothing special.

Fortunately, he is the master's life-saving hole card. There is not much poisonous blood, but it is very deadly.

A group of golden flower beetles roared past, looking for the trace of grandpa Yun Jinli everywhere.

With these swarms attacking, Yun Jinli got the news very quickly.

"Mother, an old man was poisoned and fell into a dry well."

Xiaodie told Yun Jinli the news he had received, and he was not sure if it was the person she was looking for.

"Take me there quickly."

Yun Jinli hurried to the dry well. This dry well was built for a long time and was built of stones.

There is an abandoned house behind the dry well, which has not been lived in for a long time.

A cloud of spiritual power surged from Yun Jinli's hands, and rescued the comatose grandfather from the dry well.


(End of this chapter)

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