Chapter 1060 Dare to use Gu on my mother

Yun Jinli returned to the house, and sat aside to recover the consumed divine power.

But after she became supreme, the spiritual power in her body has transformed into divine power.

The supreme being is called a god, and in the eyes of mortals, a powerful existence that can fly to the sky and move mountains is a god.

Little Dian Dian was also a little tired, so she found a place to sleep in the corner of the dilapidated house.

In the dead of night, the old man lying on the broken wooden bed suddenly opened his eyes, which were blood red.

He sat up stiffly, then holding a dagger drawn from his waist in his hand, he slammed towards Yun Jinli's head.


The dagger was shaken away by the airflow and fell to the ground.

The spiritual power condensed in the palm of the old man grew vines and entangled towards Yun Jinli's body.

Yun Jinli jumped up, and the butterfly and phoenix flames in her hands burned blazingly, burning the vine.

"Miss, what happened?"

Xiaodiandian heard the movement here, opened her eyes, and saw that the old man they had rescued was actually attacking them, she was shocked.

"what happened to him?"

"This is controlled by Gu poison."

Yun Jinli said, she didn't expect them to be poisoned in the old man's body.

That was their grandfather, and they were so vicious.

Hua Nuanchun took down the paper butterfly in the house at the moment and tore it to pieces.

"Whoever dares to meddle in other people's affairs will die."

She had discovered this paper butterfly before, and deliberately designed Yun Jinli to go to the forbidden area.

She knew that someone was watching, so she followed suit.

Even if that person survives a catastrophe in the forbidden area, she has prepared even bigger surprises.

Now the Gu poison in the old man's body was stimulated, attacking Yun Jinli frantically.

"Dare to use Gu on my mother! What a joke!"

The little butterfly flew out, and the coercion emanating from her body immediately quieted the poisonous poison, and the old man lay straight on the ground.

"It's not good, that poisonous Gu is about to die. This is a ghostly ghost Gu. It devours his soul for food. I'm afraid his soul is also very weak now."

He felt that the aura of the poisonous Gu had become weaker, as long as the poisonous Gu died, the old man would die too.

Hua Nuanchun wanted Yun Jinli to watch him die, but he couldn't save him.

"I can only use this Flowing Light Spirit Bamboo to save my life."

Yun Jinli took the flowing light bamboo from the old man's hand, turned the spiritual bamboo into thousands of flowing lights, and sprinkled them on the old man's body.

After the streamer merged into his body, it turned into a glowing stream and poured into his soul.

"Take advantage of this time to get out the soul-sending demon."

"Mother, this soul sending demon Gu is very troublesome. I can only control it to stay still, but I can't make it come out."

Little Butterfly opened her mouth and said, the soul-absorbing demon Gu living in the supreme soul already possesses a powerful soul, which cannot be compared with those poisonous Gus without much consciousness.

"Then I'll get it, you control it."

Yun Jinli made a quick decision, this thing was always threatening the life of grandpa, if it was left like this, it would be like a ticking time bomb.

"no problem."

Little Butterfly replied that his coercion could suppress it from acting rashly.

Yun Jinli put the old man back on the broken wooden bed, then took out Mafeisan, and anesthetized him first.

The knife used for surgery was taken out, and a craniotomy was performed to take out the soul-absorbing monster.

The spirit sea that resides in the brain of the soul demon Gu lives by devouring souls, if it is not for encountering Supreme Gu, there is almost no solution.

"Miss, can you do it with a hole in your head?"

Xiaodiandian took a deep breath and widened Shui Lingling's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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