The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1063 The more you look at her, the more she looks like her

Chapter 1063 The more you look at her, the more she looks like her

"Girl, even if you know the old man is here, there's no need to come here, right?"

After living for so long, Old Sheng naturally felt that ordinary people would not come to save him even if they heard that he was in danger.

Why is this girl here?
"Grandpa Sheng, I have something here, and I plan to return it to its original owner."

Yun Jinli took out the red lotus ring, that sparkling ring was extraordinarily dazzling under the light of the candlelight.

Every petal of the lotus flower is as beautiful as blood jade.

This incomparably exquisite red lotus ring is made of a very special material, unique in the world.

"This! This is the Red Lotus Ring!"

Sheng Lao took the red lotus ring excitedly, his hands were trembling.

"Who the hell are you? Why is there a red lotus ring?"

His eyes turned red suddenly, thinking of his poor daughter, his nose became sore.

He looked at Yun Jinli excitedly, holding the red lotus ring tightly.

This is a token that he and his wife gave to their biological daughter, and it has disappeared for decades.

None of them told anyone about this matter, even if they knew that their daughter was a fake, they kept silent in order to save their own daughter's life.

I just searched for my daughter secretly, but unfortunately I didn't find anything, and the clues were completely broken.

"I'm the one who came back to collect debts, to recover everything that belongs to my grandma."

Yun Jinli said in a firm tone, making Old Sheng short of breath.

"Who is your grandmother?"

Sheng Lao's voice was trembling, and he stared at Yun Jinli intently, the more he looked at her, the more he felt like her.

"My grandmother's surname is Hua, but she has been living outside since she was a child, and she has no chance to see her parents. She was originally going to be silenced, but the maid who took care of her was soft-hearted and rescued her, so she lived down."

Yun Jinli took out the paper butterfly she had drawn, and the butterfly flew around the broken room.

A paper butterfly landed on Old Sheng's hand, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Children! It's hard for you to wander outside, and grandpa will definitely let you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors."

Now that Old Sheng had seen the Red Lotus Ring and Yun Jinli's ability to use the Hua clan's unique ability, he no longer doubted her identity.

She looked very much like his wife when she was young, and that charm made him feel very kind.

He held Yun Jinli's hand and put the red lotus ring into her hand.

"Is your grandmother still alive?"

He was afraid of hearing the news of the child's death, so he asked anxiously.

"Grandma is still alive, but she is old and not very strong, so I just hope to fulfill grandma's wish as soon as possible."

Yun Jinli said, causing old Sheng to sigh.

"Since the red lotus ring has been passed on to you, you can take it away. Grandpa will pick you up personally, and the family will be reunited."

Old Sheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said happily.

"Grandpa, you should hide it for the next few days! If they know that you are not dead, they will use new methods. Besides, why is grandma still in a coma?"

Yun Jinli asked.

"Son, have you visited grandma?"

Elder Sheng sat next to her, his voice full of worry.

"I took a sneak peek, and I was discovered without looking carefully. But I ran fast and was not caught."

Yun Jinli replied.

"Your grandma's health is getting worse every year, and she often falls into a coma for a long time. Many doctors can't help it. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's their fault. It's really unfortunate for the family!"

Old Sheng said tearfully that his wife is the one he loves the most in his life.

If the little concubine hadn't drugged her and made her pregnant with his child, there wouldn't have been such disturbances.

 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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