Chapter 1089 is a bluffing trick

"Why should I tell you?"

Yun Jinli was sitting on the chair, with a sense of arrogance on top of her beautiful jade face.

"Uh, if you guess correctly, then I'll let you choose a chance stone at random, but the price should be less than [-] million. What do you think?"

It was the first time Master Shangguan was rejected by someone, but he was not angry, but put forward this condition.

She has a temperament of being useless, if she is asked to answer a question in vain, she will not be bothered to answer it, it just depends on her mood.

Now the condition proposed by Master Shangguan made her reluctant to refuse.

This is obviously a gift for her, and she is not stupid, why should she refuse?
"make a deal."

Yun Jinli's eyes lit up and she nodded immediately.

Others saw that she dared to reject Master Shangguan outright, and finally asked Master Shangguan to take out this opportunity stone to ask her to answer.

Everyone was completely stunned!
"There is metal inside this chance stone."

She looked at the chance stone carefully, and then answered.

"I think it looks like jade, how could it be metal?"

"I also think it looks like jade, and many jades look like this."

Others have made guesses, and most people think that jade can be found in this chance stone.

Master Shangguan didn't speak, but quickly peeled off the stone skin, and when the stone skin fell off, a corner of emerald was exposed.

The crowd immediately booed.

"Cut! I just guessed a few words, I really think I am a master of appraising treasures."

Hua Liuyan saw the corner of the emerald, and immediately said with a sneer, her voice was somewhat sharp, as if she was venting her inner depression.

She almost thought that Yun Jinli was really the Master of Appreciating Treasures, but she didn't expect that it was just a fake trick to bluff people.

"My lady knew at a glance that it was definitely a chance stone for jade. Judging by the fineness and appearance, even a beginner appraiser would know that it must be a jade stone."

She said very pretendingly, revealing that she is the real master.

"Miss Hua actually guessed that it was jade early in the morning, what a treasure appraiser!"

"My lady has really good eyesight."

"Compared to some posturing people, our young lady is the one who is really low-key and powerful."

The sisters of the Lan family immediately seized the opportunity to flatter, making Hua Liuyan extremely useful.


To everyone's surprise, Master Shangguan stretched out his hand and peeled off the emerald.

As a professional master stonecutter, it is impossible to damage what is inside.

How is this going?

The next moment, everyone saw that the emerald was peeled off, revealing a metallic luster.

After the surrounding stone skins were completely peeled off, it turned out to be a large piece of ground scale gold.

At this moment, the half-human tall ground scale gold was revealed, shining brightly under the sun, blinding everyone's eyes.

This ground scale gold is also a relatively rare metal, which is very suitable for making armor and can be invulnerable.

The palm-sized piece of emerald skin on the ground, compared with this huge gold scale, looks lonely and very pitiful.

"Master Shangguan, if this piece of emerald stone skin is also considered jade, then this round will be regarded as the loss of this palace."

Yun Jinli said calmly, her calm words seemed insignificant.

But anyone with eyes knows that this chance stone is definitely a metal, and the emerald stone skin is half a cent of jade.

"This ground scale gold is naturally metal. I will keep my promise. You can choose one of these chance stones, and you won't be charged."

Master Shangguan said, how could he use such a small amount of emerald stone skin to deny the huge gold scale.

He wants face!
 Today's ninth update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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