Chapter 1098

"The one who came out of the third courtyard is the legendary master of amethyst appraising treasures."

Mr. Jiang said that it was the first time he saw a treasure appraiser who came out of the third courtyard.

"I haven't seen this woman before. It seems that her status in Yishixuan is even higher than Master Shangguan."

Everyone noticed Master Shangguan's respectful expression, and they all guessed that this woman had a very high status.


Master Shangguan originally blurted out the title, but was frightened back by the woman's gaze.

"Miss Leng, please take a look at this stone of opportunity."

He immediately changed his address, and Leng Shuang nodded.

"I don't dare to mess around."

"Shangguan Xian, you are the gold-ranked treasure appraiser of our Yishixuan. The chance stone that can make you so cautious makes me a little bit interested."

Leng Shuang stepped into the barrier, saw the Rui Cai Xiaguang, and a pair of Jianshui pupils glowed with splendor.

Her movements were very crisp, she directly turned her palm into a knife, and cut open the last thin layer of stone cocoon.


Her fingers looked so slender, but they were the sharpest blades.

The stone skin cocoon was completely cut open, and brilliant brilliance shot up into the sky.Immediately afterwards, a small figure rushed up to the sky under the coercion of Xiaguang.

However, the light hit the barrier directly and failed to escape.

Suddenly, the ball of light plunged towards the ground, and when it was about to disappear, a red rope flew out from Leng Shuang's hand, binding the light and shadow tightly.

After the glow was bound by the red rope, the glow on his body instantly subsided, and everyone saw the appearance of this thing.

"Hey, the doll that jumped out of the rock! This is different from what I judged. I guessed it was medicine."

Yun Jinli couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the little doll tied up with a red string.

Not long ago she found a heart in a stone, and now a baby popped out!
She feels that there is really everything in this chance stone, and maybe eyes and heads can be opened, which is a bit scary to think about.

"No! It's not a doll."

She found that although the little doll looked like a human, in fact he was just a resemblance.

"Shangguan Xian, take the cage and put this little thing away."

Leng Shuang spoke, and Shangguan Xian immediately fetched a bronze-colored cage, put the little doll in it, and locked it.

This cage is a treasure in Yishixuan, if it wasn't for Leng Shuang's order, he wouldn't even dare to take it.

A little doll needs to use something like a cage, it seems that this thing is not simple.

Normally, after they cut out something, they have to give it to the buyer immediately.

But because they are a gambler, all their things will be stored here for the time being, and will be kept by Yishixuan.

"It's been a long time, but it's just a little doll. Unfortunately, I thought it was something good!"

Lan Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that she was about to start cutting her chance stone, she cheered up immediately.

"How could it be a child?"

Everyone said in great disappointment that such a big commotion and commotion for a long time turned out to be such a small thing!
"I know she can't open anything good."

Hua Liuyan endured the severe pain, with cold sweat running down her face, seeing that only a little doll was delivered, her mood immediately improved a lot.

"Why did the good things turn out like this? Could it be that the daughter is emotional?"

At this time, Zhao Xiang had already rushed back, and found that Hualiuyan was caused by Gu poison, and immediately calmed down the Gu poison in her body with a secret method.

He is a core member of the Wan Gu Sect, and he is better at Gu art than painting Liuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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