Chapter 1100 Missy's Chance Stone

"Now is the chance stone to paint the eldest lady."

Everyone originally thought that it would be the turn of Hua Liuyan's [-] million chance stone, but Shangguan Xian didn't cut that one, but cut the chance stones that Hua Liuyan hit on the way.

These were bought in the process of betting against each other, so they were considered part of the betting game, so he cut them all together.

It has to be said that there are many good things in these chance stones, such as topaz, emerald, blood jade agate, blue wave stone, etc., which are full of jewels and dazzling.

"The value of these things varies, but at least they can make up for some losses."

Hua Nuanchun looked a little better when he saw the things that came out of these chance stones.

If Hua Liuyan hadn't suffered enough just now, she couldn't help but take her anger out on her.

In the end, only Hua Liuyan's [-] million chance stone and Lan Zhen's [-] million chance stone remained unopened.

"It's Miss Hua's biggest chance stone."

All eyes were on Shangguan Xian's hands. This time, he peeled the stones at a slower speed, appearing more cautious.

Their hearts were also raised, wondering what treasures would be unearthed from this chance stone.


When a piece of stone skin falls to the ground, revealing the gap inside, you can see a corner of moon white.

"This is Bingxin Moonstone."

Elder Jiang exclaimed, seeing that this corner looks like an icy moon, it must be the Bing Xin Moon Stone.

"Just peeled off a small part, and the Bingxin Moonstone appeared. I don't know how big this piece will be?"

Everyone's breathing was a little short. This ice heart moonstone, which is comparable to a night pearl, can emit a bright brilliance even at night, as dazzling as moonlight.

"The Bingxin moonstone is more precious than the dragon crystal purple jade. According to records, if a piece of Bingxin moonstone is placed in the coffin, the corpse will not rot."

Yun Jinli said calmly, she didn't feel alarmed by the Bingxin Moonstone from the stone of chance that painted Liuyan, she remained calm as usual.

"If it is used on living people, it can also keep people's body functions intact. For those who are seriously ill, it can be said to be a life-saving thing."

Bingxin Moonstone cannot cure illnesses, but it can hold a sigh of relief and buy more time for seriously ill people.

It is because of these two points that the eyes of these old people are extremely hot.

Master Shangguan knew the preciousness of Bingxin Moonstone, so he carefully peeled off layers of stone skin.

When these stone skins became less and less, everyone was completely shocked when they saw the picture in front of them.

"how can that be?"

"This Bingxin Moonstone is actually a jade sculpture of a beauty holding the moon!"

"So beautiful."

"This woman seems to be coming back to life."


Everyone was attracted by the beautiful jade carving, seeing the white jade carving so beautiful that people couldn't believe it was real.

Yun Jinli was also amazed by the ingenious carving skills, but when she saw the appearance of the white jade carving, a storm arose in her heart.

"The jade carving person is my sister Ziyue."

She recognized the incomparably exquisite eyebrows, which were as pure as ice and snow, and her long hair was scattered behind her back like water waves, with a beautiful crown on top of her hair, which looked noble like a queen.

The person who carves it is extremely attentive, making people mistakenly think that it is a real white jade beauty.

"Who carved the purple moon out of the Bingxin Moonstone?"

She believed that this jade carving must have been carved by someone who had a deep affection for Ziyue, otherwise it would not be so similar.

Bingxin moonstone is very precious, and the other party can use this as a material to carve, which shows that his status is extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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