Chapter 1102 Why is it the first
"Presumptuous! Who allowed you to talk to Miss Leng like this!"

Shangguan Xian yelled angrily, exuding a strong coercion from his body, making Hua Liuyan's complexion ugly for a while.

"This is Yishixuan, no matter who it is, it is not allowed to be presumptuous."

He was very angry at the moment, how can she be disrespectful to Miss Lengshuang?

"I'm sorry I lost my temper, I just wondered why it was number one."

Hua Liuyan bit her red lip, not daring to be presumptuous anymore.

Hua Nuanchun and Zhao Xiang's brows were tightly twisted like knots, and they dared not act presumptuously in Yishixuan.

"Since Ms. Leng said that this is the first place, she can't be wrong."

Shangguan Xian actually didn't know the reason, but he believed in Leng Shuang's vision.

She is the Grand Master of Amethyst Appreciation of Treasures, a whole realm higher than him.

This is the difference between them, Leng Shuang can see at a glance what is the most valuable, but everyone else is stunned.

She sees the inside, they see the outside.

"What kind of reason is this? If we cannot be convinced, then we will not admit defeat."

Lan Xiu thought that if she lost, she would lose her family and property, and the treasure she got would be handed over to others.

All that was left to her was a huge debt that could not be paid off.

"Yes, Yishixuan should convince everyone to guess correctly."

"Otherwise, it's partial help."

The ladies of the aristocratic family said one after another that they are not afraid of too many people.

Seeing everyone so excited, Shangguan Xian couldn't calm them down for a while.

Yun Jinli just sat and watched the show without any intention of interfering.

"This is a human-shaped Taisui, which is also the legendary medicine of immortality. This is a magic medicine. If anyone thinks that its value is not as high as these jade stones, then I have nothing to say."

Leng Shuang said unhurriedly, telling the true identity of the little doll, the audience suddenly fell silent.

There was only a sound of gasping for air, as if to completely drain the air here.

After the extreme silence, a wave of discussions broke out in the audience, and it was out of control.

"Human-shaped Tai Sui meat Ganoderma lucidum, I heard that eating a piece can make people rejuvenate."

Someone said tremblingly that it was because they were too excited.

"The legendary elixir actually exists."

An old man stared wide-eyed. If it wasn't for Yishixuan, he would have wanted to snatch it.

"If this is a magic medicine, let alone these jade stones, even the sky-high price can't afford this medicine of immortality."

Elder Jiang looked at Tai Sui, the figure inside the cage, and he had learned a lot today.

"Master is amazing! He actually chose the human form Tai Sui."

"What the hell am I missing?"

Lan Zhen thought that she and Tai Sui were only separated by a small distance.

Then she gave up the chance stone herself and chose a stone that had been eaten by bugs.


Thinking of this, she spit out a mouthful of blood, the blow was too great.

"Being able to choose this stone of opportunity, I'd like to thank someone who kindly gave it up."

Yun Jinli nodded her head, and on her beautiful face, which was scorching like a peach blossom, there was a faint smile, like a ten-mile spring breeze.


The twin sisters of the Lan family were so angry that their eyes turned red, and they cried because of grievances.

"This human Tai Sui is almost in full human form. Although there is still a little bit of incompleteness, it shows that it has grown up for a very long time."

Someone noticed that the toes of the humanoid Tai Sui have not fully grown, and some are incomplete.

"No wonder there was such a vision before. This is really a miracle."

"I don't know who this Miss Leng is? She can even catch the human Tai Sui."

(End of this chapter)

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