Chapter 1108

"I know where the other Jiugong Mengsuo is, I'll go get it now, thank you Xiaotian!"

Yun Jinli stood up abruptly, ran into the house, changed into a black outfit, put on a face, and rushed outside.

Xilingtian didn't know where she was going, seeing her so anxious, he also followed her.

Her speed is very fast, if not for Xilingtian's strength, she would not be able to catch up with her at all.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I'm going to steal something, what are you doing with me?"

When she saw Xilingtian following her, she couldn't help saying speechlessly.

"My steal with you."

Xi Lingtian opened his mouth and said that he wanted to steal things with him confidently.

"Okay, then don't hold me back, if someone finds out, it will be a big embarrassment."

When Yun Jinli saw that he was wearing a fancy dress and came here to steal things, did he dare to be more upright?
"If found out, this king will silence me."

Xi Lingtian spoke, his words revealed the ruthlessness of killing and cutting.

"This is not something my Xiaotian would say. He is a warm man who would cry when he trampled to death on ants."

Yun Jinli felt that Xilingtian's personality had changed a lot, it was completely opposite from before.

But in such a cruel world, only those who are ruthless can survive.

The former Xilingtian was too innocent and foolish, and was killed many times. It is a miracle that he can survive till now.

"How could this king shed tears? Stop joking!"

Xilingtian wouldn't admit it if he was beaten to death, he was such a warm man who would shed tears when he trampled on ants to death.

He is the most honorable King of Xiling in the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom. There is no emperor in the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom.

He is the Xiling King of this generation, and he is the return of the strongest king in the past.

"Actually, you are doing well now, at least you won't be cheated to death so easily. It's just Xiaotian, the current you...are you still?"

Yun Jinli flew all the way towards Hua Nuanchun's residence, seeing Xilingtian's face, she always felt a little regretful in her heart.

She didn't have an answer to this question herself.

"He has inherited the memory of this king, and this king has merged into his soul. Naturally, he is still him, but the memory of the past has been diluted, just like a big wave sweeping past, the original footprints on the beach have been caressed." It's leveled off, but the beach is still the same beach, maybe with a few more shiny shells."

The words Xilingtian said made Yun Jinli understand that he had inherited the memories of his ancestors and completely washed away his own memories.

The power of inheritance is too majestic, and Xilingtian can't keep the memory of the past.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Yun Jinli felt that this should be Xilingtian's secret, but she didn't expect him to tell her this.

"You may not believe it, but I still want to tell you that I hit it off with you immediately."

Xilingtian said frankly that he used to have a pure heart, but now he is still open and frank.

"Meeting you for the first time is like returning from an old friend."

When Yun Jinli heard what he said, she couldn't help but think of this sentence, and read it out.

"You are my old friend, and he will never forget you."

Xilingtian sighed in his heart.

"Here we are! This is the residence of the previous couple, Nuanyan Pavilion."

Yun Jinli landed on a big tree and looked into Nuanyan Pavilion.

"This place is heavily guarded, so be careful not to be discovered."

She saw a lot of patrolling guards, walking back and forth, with almost no gaps.

"Isn't it just some guards? This king will take you in right now."

Xilingtian grabbed Yun Jinli's hand, turned into a bolt of lightning, and swept into the Nuanyan Pavilion.

 Ge'er is busy with a lot of things during the day, and the writing time is basically at night, and the update will be relatively late, so she has to stay up late every day.

(End of this chapter)

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