Chapter 1111 Secretly Like Someone
After Hua Liuyan came out, neither Yun Jinli nor Xilingtian made a sound, and if there was any movement, they might startle the snake.

Xilingtian was in the closet, and his attention was not on Hua Liuyan outside, but was completely attracted by Yun Jinli.

Her body was petite and exquisite, soft and fragrant, which caused an irresistible tide to surge in his heart.

His slender hand was leaning against hers, remembering that he took her soft hand before and used teleportation to Nuanyan Pavilion.

At that time, he hadn't had time to feel it carefully, but in retrospect, holding her hand made him feel as if he was holding the whole world.

Her hands are so small, slender and beautiful, even the nails are rounded and beautifully trimmed, clean and without any blemishes.

At this moment, he had the urge to hold her hand, but he didn't move around, so as not to spoil their plan.

If you secretly like someone, you will want to hold her hand secretly, and get closer to her secretly, even if she doesn't notice anything, but the bottom of your heart is secretly happy, heartbeat, and joy because of being so close to the person you like, And satisfied.

He didn't know how much he liked her!
I like it so much that even if all the memories of the past have been diluted, when we meet again, we still fall in love at first sight without hesitation.

Because some feelings have long been engraved in the depths of his soul, whether he remembers or not, she is always there, living in his heart, occupying his soul.

When he was the weakest and most helpless, she was like the ray of light in the darkness, illuminating his sky.

It was so unforgettable at that time, and now I can't forget it.


Hua Liuyan was looking for the seven-tailed ghost cat everywhere, but he couldn't find any trace of it at all.

She slumped on the seat. There were too many blows this day, and she was almost devastated.

Yun Jinli's spiritual sense saw her mournful and dazed expression at the moment, and felt that this opponent had nothing worth her time to deal with.

At this time, a figure swept in.

"Miss, your subordinates have already done what you ordered. Those poisonous sources have been put into the water source of Jiangxue City. By then, both the Liu family and the untouchables in Jiangxue City will all die. "

The black figure spoke to Hua Liuyan, causing her face to immediately show ecstasy.

"Well done! Liu Yunhua ruined this lady's family and shame, and I will destroy her family and destroy the whole city. Isn't she the lord of Jiangxue City? Let her be the lord of a dead city!"

Hua Liuyan said happily that when the crown princess returned, she found that her family members and city residents were all dead. Thinking about that scene, she couldn't help laughing.

The previous depression was instantly swept away.

"Missy's move is really clever, how can that little hoof beat Missy. It will be so interesting when she becomes a lonely person."

The black figure said, he knew that the most annoying thing about Hua Liuyan was the princess, so he deliberately said something she liked.

Yun Jinli heard their conversation, and now she hated Hua Liuyan to the bone.

She was so despicable and vicious, poisoning the water source of Jiangxue City, killing her whole family and even the whole city people.

She has no humanity at all, this kind of bitch will never be accepted, she will accept it!

"Hmph. Let's talk about it if she can live to see that scene! With so many things, she thinks she can really leave the painting clan alive? It's a dream."

Hua Liuyan said viciously that she also planned to take all of Yun Jinli's things back when she left the Hua Clan.

"Immediately send someone to look for my ghost cat, and see who is so bold as to dare to attack my ghost cat?"

 Good night, Snowflake.

  Ge'er is very tired, rest, see you tomorrow night.

(End of this chapter)

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