Chapter 1139

"Steal? Is there a need for me to steal?"

A disdainful smile curled up on the corner of Yun Jinli's lips, she flicked her long sleeves, and her domineering voice came down clearly.

"Bengong is the eldest daughter of the painting clan, and the red lotus ring is my token."

She raised her hand, her beautiful jade fingers were like green onions, and the red lotus ring on her finger glistened in the sunlight.

As soon as the red lotus ring appeared, everyone in the Hua clan stared wide-eyed.

"That's really the red lotus ring, a token of the painting clan's daughter-in-law."

"This is a token passed down from generation to generation."

"The unmistakable thing is it."

"But, why is this red lotus ring in her hand? How can she use the dream technique?"

People from the Hua clan talked one after another, and even the envoys from the foreign clan were shocked by this scene.

They came to the birthday banquet, and they didn't expect to see such a wonderful and exciting scene.

"You're lying, I'm the eldest daughter of the Hua family, you impostor."

Hua Liuyan yelled hysterically, with a look of horror in his eyes.

This can't be true!
"Whether this palace is the real eldest daughter of the Hua clan or not can be proved by the power of blood. Here is the stone of the blood of our Hua clan. Do you dare to compare with Bengong, whose blood is more powerful?" pure?"

Yun Jinli pointed at the stone tablet of the Hua clan standing beside her with her plain hand. The reason why the birthday party was chosen to be held in Qianhui Garden this time was because there was a stone tablet to test the power of the bloodline.

When Hua Nuanchun heard Yun Jinli's words, his face suddenly turned pale.

Hua Liuyan didn't know that he was a counterfeit, but they knew it very well.

When she saw the stone tablet, she thought that today's birthday banquet was held here, and it might have been arranged earlier.

She just wanted to stop the painting Liuyan, when she heard her agree.

"Compared to Bi, how can Miss Ben be compared to you, a lowly peasant."

Hua Liuyan angrily strode towards the test stele, Hua Nuanchun sat down slumped after standing up just now.


She wanted to stop the painting smoke, but under the circumstances, she couldn't stop it.

If she stopped, it would be a sign of guilt.

These people knew at a glance that there must be something wrong with Hua Liuyan's background.

She could only pray that the power of Hualiuyan's bloodline, under her deliberate transformation, would be stronger than Yun Jinli's bloodline.

"Little Yunduo is the eldest daughter of the painting clan!"

Bei Chenjue was shocked by this news at the moment, he never thought that this was the surprise that Yun Jinli wanted to give him.

This surprise is really too big!
The stele on which the painters test their talent is in the shape of an ancient scroll painting.

Hua Liuyan immediately touched the test stone tablet, and the rows of spirit beads inlaid on the stone tablet lit up one by one.

There were nine of these spirit beads, and as Hua Liuyan injected her power, six of them lit up.

"Wow! The six bloodline beads are on, her bloodline power is very strong!"

The people of the Hua clan know that when the bloodline beads light up, more than five are regarded as superior bloodlines.

Seeing that Hua Liuyan's blood is so powerful, Hua Nuanchun breathed a sigh of relief.

They had long prevented that they would be exposed one day, so they made secret preparations and quietly sucked away the blood power from the young lady of the collateral bloodline with Gu, and then merged it into Hualiuyan's body.

In this way, even if it is revealed one day, they will not be afraid.

Originally, she was worried that the effect would not be good enough, but now that the six blood spirit beads lit up, she felt relieved.

"Even if she's a legitimate daughter-in-law, the power of her bloodline is nothing more than that. Let's see how she proves herself."

 Little cutie Shuo Geer and his family are writing books, haha!This can be.

  Today is the singer Xiao Xian'er's birthday, so I recommend Xiao Xian'er's "War Concubine and Mad Emperor" under the pseudonym Xianmei, free monthly subscription.

  Happy birthday Xiaoxianer! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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