Chapter 1150 IQ is not on the same line
Robbing the head of the Hua clan is an enemy of the entire Hua clan. Even if they snatch the human form of Tai Sui, they may not be blessed.

Those who made up their minds looked regretfully in the direction of the Huazu valley, and left helplessly.

The Hua clan is preparing to move the clan, while Beichenjue and Xilingtian are tracking down the whereabouts of the ancient evil.

God Luanqing and Bai Li searched for a long time, but they couldn't find where that Dong XZ was.

"What the hell, we haven't found it after searching for so long. It can really hide."

The Great God Luanqing turned into a red bird, fluttered his wings and flew across the roof, and landed on a branch.

"It seems that we can't find it. Go back and have a look, maybe they have already found it."

The white fence flew across the sky, and the nine snow-white fox tails behind it bloomed like flowers.

With Yun Jinli's help, he has recovered to Nine Tails.

After she gets married, he will return to the demon world.

There are responsibilities that he has to shoulder.

"That's right, Xiaodiandian found it before, and that woman has a lot of tricks, so let's stop messing around."

Master Luan Qing nodded, walked around with Bai Li, and returned to Yun Jinli's residence.

At this moment, Yun Jinli had already dealt with the handover of the painting clan, she did not change her residence, and kept everything simple.

"We're back."

Master Luanqing flapped his little wings and flew back into the house.

"Have you found any clues?"

Yun Jinli asked, before the Hua clan migrated, the most important thing was to find the evil beast.

Otherwise, relocating the painting clan there would bring disaster to Jiangxue City.

"I didn't find any trace of it. This guy is very cunning. I don't know where he is hiding."

God Luanqing shook his head, he was powerless.

He searched back and forth several times, but he was looking very seriously.

If it was before, God Luanqing would definitely not do such errands.

Now that he has been with Yun Jinli for a long time, he treats her matters as his own.

This change happened unconsciously, even without him noticing it.

It turned out that she didn't know when it started, but she had already become his friend.

"I've been busy today, and now I'm free. Now I'm looking for it, where it might appear."

Yun Jinli closed her eyes, spread out with her spiritual consciousness, and the entire Huazu had a panoramic view.

A huge map was formed in her mind, and she began to use the method of exclusion to exclude those places where it could not appear.

"This thing is yin and evil, and likes cold and yin places. First, exclude places with strong yang energy. It is too weak, so it will definitely look for the nearest yin and cold place."

Starting from the courtyard last night, she began to search for a suitable location.

"It should be by this lake, the most likely possibility."

She locked a location, which is a lake in the center of the painting clan, named Moyue Yanyu Lake.

"Let's go to Yanyu Lake to have a look."

She brought Xiaodiandian with her, and Xiaoyunyi asked her to stay in the Phoenix Tower to heal her injuries.

Although she has fully recovered from the trauma, she is too young, so she needs to recuperate.

"Let's go too."

Bai Li and Master Luanqing searched for so long but couldn't find it. When they heard that Yun Jinli was going out, they followed him to have a look.

"This great god can't find it, but you can find it just sitting in the room? It's fake!"

Master Luanqing didn't believe in evil, and felt that she must have been out of thin air.

"Master, our two IQs are not on the same line, so it's normal that you didn't find it."

Yun Jinli said.

"I feel despised too."

Bai Li lay his gun.

 Ge'er is going to take a rest today, feeling very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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