Chapter 1156 Such a bleak ending
If she hadn't coveted too much, she wouldn't have ended up in such a bleak end.

Her children and grandchildren, no one appreciates what she did.

She used to enjoy happiness with peace of mind, but now she is cold-blooded and merciless.

"When the disaster is imminent, we will fly separately. I haven't enjoyed half a share of family affection in my life. It's all my own fault!"

Hua Liuyan and the others fled overnight under the cover of darkness, but the people who pursued and killed them followed from all directions.

They all felt that there was nothing on other people, so they must be painting Liuyan and them, so they chased after them.

In fact, they have nothing now, because they were dressed brightly when they left, and now they are considered to have left with heavy treasures, even if they deny it, no one will believe it.

"Daughter, there are too many people chasing and killing us. Let's escape separately. We will cover you to leave."

Zhao Xiang said, pointing in a direction forward.

"There is a house in the woods in front of you. You can escape there. No one knows that place."

Hua Liuyan heard his words, nodded and fled to the woods, ignoring her parents.

As long as she herself can survive, other sacrifices are worthwhile.

"How did you let your daughter go there? There is a big devil in that place."

Hua Nuanchun had just been blocked by Zhao Xiang and couldn't speak, but now that she recovered, she immediately said angrily.

"Hmph, she's following us, and we won't know how we will die. She belongs to my sister, and the injuries on my body are all thanks to her."

Zhao Xiang said coldly, and decided to draw Liuyan to attract everyone's attention, and then they took the opportunity to escape.

"If you want to save her, go by yourself! If that big devil leaves you behind, I won't save you."

"I'll follow you."

Hua Nuanchun shook his head violently, with a look of horror on his face.

The perverted old man who lived there was extremely ugly, and he used many methods of torture. None of the girls who fell into his hands survived.

Women nearby often suffer, but no one can deal with him.

"Mom, you're getting old, and your legs and feet are bad, so it's up to you to distract those people's attention and fight for a chance for your daughter!"

Zhao Xiang told Hua Nuanchun's mother-in-law that the reason why he brought this oil bottle was to distract the pursuers.

"No! I'm not going! I don't want to die!"

The old woman shook her head in horror. She saw those people were extremely cruel, and she would definitely die if she went out to distract the pursuers.

"It's up to you now."

Zhao Xiang pushed her out and left with Hua Nuanchun.

Hua Nuanchun is also a cruel woman, she didn't say anything when she saw her mother being pushed out.

She only thought about how to survive, and she didn't care who she had to sacrifice.


In the dense forest ahead, there was a woman's scream.

Everyone rushed over when they heard the sound, seeing that it was the site of the notorious Old Devil Qiu, who dared not approach.

"I heard that Old Devil Qiu is extremely lustful. He has lived for many years. I'm afraid we are no match."

"They actually escaped there, they are cruel enough."

"When we come to the territory of the old devil Qiu, as long as it is a woman, it is hard to escape the clutches of the devil. It is a pity that the flowery young lady. Although she is no longer the eldest lady of the Hua clan, she is also very good-looking. It is cheaper than that bad old man."

They knew the mystery of the evil wind fascinating the forest, but after thinking about it, they still didn't get close.

"It's really bad luck! I didn't expect it to fall short in the end."

Some people were still guarding the outside and did not leave immediately.

The bodyguard of Liuyan was lying dead in the forest, and her clothes were all over the floor, and the hysterical screams resounded in the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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