Chapter 1158 Give Grandma a Surprise

This is the most beautiful season in Jiangxuecheng, with thousands of miles of flowers and warm spring breeze.

The air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, the snow-white stream flows through the grass leaves, and the water droplets splashed under the sun are as crystal as diamonds.

A gorgeous carriage drove out of the valley of the Hua clan, passing through the foggy barrier.

Those who have the token of the Hua clan can enter and exit here at will without hindrance.

There are also clan elders guarding the mountain gate to prevent bad guys from breaking in.

Four beautiful strange beasts were pulling the carriage, and Hua Yurong's old couple carefully dressed up and put on new clothes.

"Old man, do my beaded flowers look good? Have you worn them crookedly? Is the color of the clothes too plain?"

Hua Yurong asked worriedly, wanting to show her most beautiful side to her daughter.

It's just that age is not forgiving, she didn't want to use magic techniques to keep her youthful appearance, so she went to see her daughter with her true appearance.

"Looks good! You look good in anything you wear. Help me see, is there anything inappropriate?"

Elder Sheng was also very nervous. The daughter the couple had missed for decades was getting closer and closer to them.

They dreamed of reuniting with their daughter, but now that their dream was about to come true, they were a little timid.

I'm afraid that I can't make a good impression on my daughter because of my gray hair.

"Will my daughter blame us?"

"Will she dislike us?"

Their hearts were filled with all sorts of apprehensions, like a bucket in a well, going up and down.

In front of the carriage, Yun Jinli rode a beautiful rainbow unicorn, walking on the road of cherry blossoms.

Xuezhan turned into a silver dragon horse and used it as a mount for Bei Chenjue.

The silver scales look glittering and majestic.

The petals fell on his dragon horns, and the road was covered with a red carpet.

Xiaodiandian and Xiaoyunyi ran ahead, faster than their mounts.

"Jue, it's thanks to you that Jiangxue City is peaceful today."

Yun Jinli saw that Jiangxue City was still the same as when she left, and people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The turmoil of painting Liuyan to poison the people in the city to kill the people has completely subsided.

At this moment, the darkness of the past cannot be seen here, everything is like spring, bright and peaceful.

"It's not my credit, it's the Qing Emperor who purified the water source. With the protection of the Qing Emperor and the Flower God, Jiangxue City can remain as before."

Bei Chenjue was not greedy for merit, and told the truth.

"Woman, you said that you brought me to your family. Your family has such a powerful master as the Qing Emperor. I feel a little nervous in my heart."

Great God Luanqing has been practicing in closed doors, and now he is coming out to get some fresh air.

He had been curious about Yun Jinli's family before, but now that she was going back to the Liu family, he didn't go back.

"Cough cough."

Bai Li lay on Yun Jinli's shoulder, and couldn't help coughing when he heard the words of the Great God Luanqing.

"Don't be nervous, our patriarch is very approachable."

Yun Jinli said seriously.

The corners of Bei Chenjue's lips raised slightly. Hearing her self-promotion and Luanqing's serious face, she felt that this scene was very interesting.

"This place is really nice. In the future, I will build a nest here and settle down."

The Great God Luanqing said longingly, the place where the God of Flowers and the Qing Emperor are stationed can be said to be picturesque.

The strong power of the wood spirit makes everything in this land flourish, and the flowers bloom like a brocade, which is too beautiful to behold.

From a secluded road, they reached the windy cliff on the willow bank.

There were army guards all around, and when they saw Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue, they saluted respectfully.

"Welcome the Commander-in-Chief and His Highness the Crown Prince home."

Hearing the sound outside, the second elder immediately showed excitement.

 Today's fourth update!Continue to work hard, hungry, eat something before writing.

(End of this chapter)

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