The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 117 Desert City Ten Thousand Year Dryad

Chapter 117 Desert City Ten Thousand Year Dryad

"I don't know if there is any danger down here. You two should stay at the door and watch the situation. I will see the situation myself."

Yun Jinli said, holding a fluorescent grass in her hand.

This fluorescent grass will glow by itself in the dark. The light is not dazzling, but it can illuminate the way forward.

"Boy, you stay here to watch the wind, and Xiaojin and I will go in together."

Bai Li was worried, so he followed Yun Jinli.

Xilingtian originally wanted to follow her, but someone needed to guard the door, and he was too weak to help, so he had to stay.

In the dark underground secret room, long steps meander down, leading to the deep underground.

The child in Yun Jinli's arms suddenly grabbed her arm, seeming a little nervous.

She looked at the ground under her feet, and it turned out that she had reached the bottom.

She found that there were tangled roots in the ground, which seemed to be an ancient giant tree, rooted from the ground to the ground.

The iron chains tightly bound the roots of the tree, binding it tightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

She heard heartbeats within the huge tree roots.

"There are people in here!"

She feels it with powerful soul power, and she can see it more clearly and clearly without seeing it with eyes.

She saw a huge coffin wrapped in layers of tree roots, and a person was lying in the coffin.

However, the man seemed to be alive because his heartbeat was so clear and powerful.

The other party was in a deep sleep, and she used her powerful mind-reading technique to perceive his inner thoughts.

Time seemed to go back a long, long time in an instant, and she saw a king wearing a mask, and his robe was flying in the wind.

He ruled the ancient desert country, but one day, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

The desert country he ruled lost the most precious water source.

The oasis turned into a dead sea of ​​sand overnight, and the entire Gale Desert lost its former vitality.

Yun Jinli wondered if that was the result of the appearance of Xianfu Linghai?
The king of the desert city, watching his people face extinction, made a decision to seek the way of longevity from the thousand-year-old tree demon.

The Dryad promised him eternal life and unchanging loyalty to his people.

They put on the mask, and live with the mask from then on. Once they take off the mask, they will die immediately.

While Yun Jinli was still looking at his inner thoughts, the child in his arms suddenly burst into tears, which woke her up violently.

She saw tree roots spreading towards her in front of her, and without thinking about it, she turned and ran to the upper exit.

The most terrifying thing in this desert city is not the king, but the thousand-year-old tree demon that has taken root in the ground.

Yun Jinli hugged the child, exhausted all her strength, and rushed out as fast as she could.The tree roots spreading behind her could catch her at any time.

"Xiaotian, run!"

When she ran towards the exit, she hurriedly shouted.

Before Xilingtian could understand, Yun Jinli dragged him out of the palace.

The next moment, the tree roots that appeared in the palace filled the entire palace in an instant.

"This! What is this?"

Xilingtian stammered and said that at this moment he was taken by Yun Jinli to the top of the distant palace, and he saw that the place where they were before was completely occupied by tree roots.

"This is the Ten Thousand Year Tree Demon."

Yun Jinli knew that there was a thousand-year-old tree demon in this city, so she raised her heart.

"Fortunately, we escaped!"

Xilingtian patted his chest and said with lingering fear.

"Don't be too happy."

Yun Jinli was not so optimistic. The ten thousand year old tree demon was terrifying. I don't know how many years it has survived, and I don't know how powerful it is.

As soon as her words fell, tree vines burst out of the ground, like pillars of heaven soaring into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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