Chapter 1177 No one came

Yun Jinli observed the condition of Noble Concubine Qiu Ju. She did not have any trauma, nor did she show any signs of poisoning.

She probed with her spiritual power and found that there were indeed traces of dream art in her body.

"This is what people in the Hua family did."

Yun Jinli frowned, it seemed that the old imperial doctor's judgment was correct.

She observed the situation in the bedroom again, everything was as usual, there was nothing suspicious.

Only the cups on the table made her pay attention for a moment.

"Did any guests come to Suju Palace yesterday?"

"Reporting to the Crown Princess, no one has come."

The maid on the side spoke.

"Oh? Then how do your imperial concubines and empresses usually treat you? Do you beat or scold you?"

Yun Jinli looked at this court lady, she was the personal court lady of Concubine Qiu Ju, so she was left here to answer questions.

"Your Majesty has been very kind to us."

The palace maid replied cautiously, although the imperial concubine Qiuju always beat and scolded them, as slaves, they naturally couldn't speak ill of their master.

Otherwise, it would be too bad to be suspected of being a murderer.

The noble concubine Qiu Ju has always thought highly of herself and did not treat court ladies as human beings. Many court ladies were beaten to death by her.

"You are the person next to Noble Concubine Qiu Ju, so please tell me what happened last night."

Yun Jinli saw through her inner thoughts, even if she wanted to lie, she would know it.

"Your Majesty rested very early last night, and she told us to retreat, so we didn't stay by the bedside. It wasn't until this morning that we found out that Your Majesty was out of breath."

The maid said.

"Then last night, did you find that other than your empress, other people are in this palace?"

Yun Jinli stared at the maid, her eyes that seemed to see through everything made the maid feel a little scared.

"No. Our empress told us not to disturb her rest, so everyone left the palace."

The maid shook her head, she knew that Concubine Qiu Ju had an underground lover, but she didn't know who it was.

Concubine Qiuju often asked the maids to leave. In the past, some court ladies secretly went to see her, and then they were beaten to death.

Afterwards, no court lady dared to stay, let alone peek or something.

She also discovered it by accident, but she dared not tell about it.

Otherwise, she will definitely be silenced. How can she talk about the scandal of the royal family.

"Before you left last night, was this window open or closed?"

Yun Jinli pointed to the open window beside her and asked.

"The windows were closed before we left."

The palace maid replied cautiously, feeling a little inexplicably afraid of Yun Jinli in her heart, always feeling that she would see through her.

"Okay, I don't have anything to ask."

Yun Jinli waved her hand, making the maid look relieved.

Bei Chenjue searched the palace carefully, then bid farewell to the emperor and queen, and left the palace with Yun Jinli.

They sat in the gazebo and talked about the clues they found.

"This looks like the work of a dream technique. Concubine Qiu Ju must have died in a dream."

Bei Chenjue is not from the Hua family, but he can still determine the cause of the death of Noble Concubine Qiu Ju.

"This is the soul crushing technique in dreams. It can kill people in dreams, and then they will die in reality."

Yun Jinli could accurately judge the dream technique used by the murderer.

"I'll ask grandma to find out who has this kind of dream technique, and they were not in the clan when the incident happened."

There is an effective distance for the dream technique to be cast, and if it is too far away, it will not be effective.

She immediately notified the Hua patriarch of the news and asked her to investigate.

"In addition, I have another discovery. The noble concubine Qiuju has an underground lover, and I'm afraid she will know something."

 Those who give monthly tickets are all cute!
(End of this chapter)

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