Chapter 1179 She Likes This

"The medical record book of Concubine Qiuju has been fetched."

The arrival of Mo Yu saved Xuezhan who was in dire straits.

Seeing that Bei Chenjue's attention fell on the record book, Xuezhan hurriedly rubbed the soles of her feet with oil and ran away immediately.

Bei Chenjue had no time to pay attention to him at the moment, so he opened the record book and looked.

Yun Jinli sat beside him, looking at the words on the record book.

"The imperial concubine Qiuju consults a lot of patients. She invites the imperial physician at least three times a month, at least one of which is this imperial physician named Jinwei."

She glanced at the brochure, and found that the imperial doctor Jin made the most outpatient visits.

"The Imperial Physician of Jin is very old and is an old imperial physician. No matter how hungry and hungry Concubine Qiu Ju is, she will not look for this old man."

Bei Chenjue knew the imperial physician of Jin, and his mother was also treated by this imperial physician before. His medical skills were very good, and he had a good reputation among the imperial physicians.

"Maybe the noble concubine Qiuju likes this?"

Yun Jinli spoke, making Bei Chenjue and Mo Yu feel ashamed.

She really dares to think!

The imperial doctor of Jin is not an illusionist at his age, even if he wants to, he can't do it.

"Otherwise, apart from him, the timing of the other imperial doctors is obviously not right."

Yun Jinli felt that her guess was correct, maybe it was this Jin imperial doctor.

"These imperial doctors are all on my watch."

Bei Chenjue ticked off a few names on the booklet with a pen, and asked Mo Yu to send someone to watch.

"Don't forget about that old man."

Yun Jinli added something that made the corners of Mo Yu's mouth twitch slightly.

However, Mo Yu still followed her instructions and sent someone to follow her.

It doesn't matter if you keep an eye on one more person, there are a lot of people anyway.

"Little Yunduo, the date of our big wedding has been set, and it will be in three days."

Bei Chenjue told her the news to make her mentally prepared.

"Well, I see."

Yun Jinli nodded, he will arrange all these things, but there is nothing for her to worry about.

"Let's go back, Diandian and Yiyi should have woken up."

"Okay, let's talk as we walk."

Bei Chenjue walked side by side with her on the palace road, the vermilion color of the high walls of the deep palace was solemn and solemn.

In this palace wall, an unknown amount of blood was spilled all over the ground.

Yun Jinli looked at this long and silent palace road, if he walked here alone, he would feel a sense of oppression rushing towards his face.

Now because Bei Chenjue is by her side, even in this frightening palace, she still feels peaceful.

On the edge of the red palace wall, a snow-white pear blossom bloomed brilliantly.

Red and white, the flowers are like piles of snow.

"You haven't told me yet, how did you know that Concubine Qiu Ju has a lover?"

Bei Chenjue asked curiously, not knowing where she knew about it.

"Actually, I can read minds, that maid told me."

Yun Jinli said, looking at Bei Chenjue to see if he was afraid.

"Then read my heart and see what I'm thinking."

Bei Chenjue looked at her with great interest, took her hand, and placed it on his heart.

"Well, I'll read it."

Looking at Bei Chenjue's handsome face, Yun Jinli raised the corners of her lips slightly.

"What did you read?"

Bei Chenjue asked.

"Read about someone thinking: He's a big fool! A big fool!"

Yun Jinli couldn't help laughing, seeing his astonished expression, she laughed even more joyfully.


"Little Yunduo, you actually dare to play tricks on me, let's see how the crown prince punishes you!"

Bei Chenjue didn't wait for her to react, he picked her up, carried her on his shoulder and took her away.

(End of this chapter)

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