Chapter 1182 is the biggest suspect

"What? Take a bath together!"

When Yun Jinli heard what he said, she couldn't help but widen her beautiful pupils.

"How dare you set such a rogue rule?"

"Ahem, this is not my rule."

Bei Chenjue blushed and said, as the crown prince of a country, these etiquettes cannot be abolished when he marries a concubine.

Otherwise, his ancestors would not have agreed to their marriage.

They don't interfere with his choice of concubine, but the wedding ceremony must follow the ancestral system.

"No matter who decides, it's too rogue."

Yun Jinli felt her cheeks burn hot when she thought of taking a bath with Bei Chenjue before marriage.

"Can I take a shower with my clothes on?"


Bei Chenjue opened his mouth and replied, this ceremony can only be considered as completed if there is no thread.


When Yun Jinli heard about this hooligan ritual, a dark cloud floated over his head.

"Little Yunduo, don't you want to run away?"

Seeing her fluctuating expression, Bei Chenjue asked worriedly.

Will his princess want to escape marriage?

"Ahem, you think too much, why would I leave you?"

Yun Jinli said with a guilty conscience, Her Royal Highness has the urge to run away.

They have to take a bath together before marriage, she just wants to slip away after thinking about it.

But if she really ran away, then he would become a joke of the whole world.

Forget it, bathing together is bathing together, anyway, it's not like I haven't seen him without clothes.

"Aunt Xiangzhi is already waiting outside Liuyun Palace."

Mo Yu just slipped out quietly and saw Aunt Xiang Zhi coming to pick up Yun Jinli, so she came in again to communicate.

"Then I'm over."

Yun Jinli ran out immediately, her speed was like a gust of wind.

When Bei Chenjue saw that she had run away without a trace, he knew that she was shy.

"Princess, please come to Fengjia."

When Aunt Xiangzhi saw Yun Jinli coming out, she stretched out her hand to lead her to the side.

There is a phoenix carriage with a hanging gauze curtain on the side, which is made of gold and inlaid with bright gemstones, which looks shining.

This is the phoenix carriage of the empress, and ordinary people do not have the honor to sit on it.

Aunt Xiangzhi set up a stool for Yun Jinli to step on, but did not arrange maids and other palace people as stools, which made Yun Jinli have a good impression of her.

"Get off."

Aunt Xiangzhi put away the stool and followed the car.

The queen's phoenix ride has attracted people's attention.

"Who is that? Actually sitting on the queen's phoenix carriage?"

A concubine saw the figure inside the phoenix carriage. Although she couldn't see it clearly, it was obviously not the figure of the empress.

"It seems to be coming from the direction of Liuyun Palace."

"It should be the princess!"

"The relationship between the Empress and the Crown Princess is likely to be like fire and water. If the Crown Princess goes to Yuehe Palace, I'm afraid it will be..."

"At the beginning, the empress objected to the concubine's entry into the palace. Now the relationship between their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is probably very stiff."

"is not that right?"


The concubines gathered together and discussed in a low voice.

"The one who died yesterday was Concubine Qiuju, maybe..."

They looked at each other and knew what they wanted to say.

They have been in the palace for so many years, and they also know some news about the case of Concubine Qiu Ju.

Everyone suspected that it was the Crown Princess who did it for the purpose of gaining power in the harem.

Yun Jinli was far away, so she could hear everyone's discussions.

In fact, she is indeed the biggest suspect now, after all, in this palace, she is the only one who can use dream techniques.

And it happened on the night she came back, so it's hard not to be suspicious.

She didn't know what the Queen wanted for her, was it because of the murder last night?

 Little snowflakes, remember to send monthly tickets to little Yunduo!
(End of this chapter)

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