The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 119 Let me tell you to be smaller

Chapter 119 Let me tell you to be smaller

Yun Jinli didn't care too much, reached out and touched the golden mask, and they disappeared into the palace.If it wasn't for the urgent time, Yun Jinli would have been more cautious.

At that moment, a green light flashed past, flew out of the golden mask, landed in her hand, and then disappeared.

The sound of angry roars and the sound of the palace collapsing seemed to be heard in the ears.

The yellow sand in front of them was long, and the moonlight shone on them, but it made them feel very at ease.

"This is the first time I feel that this Gale Desert is such a beautiful and lovely place."

Xiling Tian said with lingering fears, compared to the dangerous and unpredictable desert city, he felt that this deserted desert with strong winds was a place of peace of mind.

Those lifeless masks made him feel terrible just thinking about it.

"Those people wearing masks are really scary!"

"Xiaotian, there is nothing scary about those masks that you can see, but the most terrifying one is the mask you can't see. Everyone in this world wears a mask, but you can't see the existence of this mask."

Yun Jinli took out the compass in her hand, she didn't know where they were at the moment, that golden mask could teleport people to any location, it was different every time.

"I'll give you a hug, baby!"

She took the child from Xilingtian's hands, and she didn't have time to look at the child carefully before, but now she saw his appearance, he was really carved in powder and jade, extremely beautiful.

"Thank you, Miss, for saving me!"

The little milk baby's voice fell childishly, and the soft voice made people feel soft-hearted.

"Little one, what's your name? You are quite special because you can talk at such a young age."

Yun Jinli looked at this little milk baby, with long eyelashes, curly and charming, it looked like a delicate rag doll.

"I don't have a name, Miss Sister, can you give me a name?"

The little milk baby's soft voice fell crisply, full of dependence and love for her.

"Well, let's call you Little Little! When you grow up, I will give you a formal name."

Yun Jinli hasn't figured out how to settle down this little guy yet, if she stays by her side, she doesn't know how to take care of the child, nor is it safe.

"Miss, don't leave a little bit behind! I will be very good!"

Xiao DianDian seemed to see through Yun Jinli's mind, and said pitifully.

"You are still too young to be safe by my side. I will choose a good family for you and let them take care of you."

Yun Jinli seemed to understand everything when he saw him, but he was still a child after all.

"Miss sister, I can take care of myself. I was in the desert city before because they bound me with mysterious power, so I couldn't move. Now I can walk by myself!"

Xiaodiandian jumped down from Yun Jinli's embrace and stood firmly.

"Xiao Jin, this kid is not simple, he is not an ordinary person, since he is willing to follow you, you can take him with you."

Bai Li told her that he could feel the mysterious power contained in this little milk baby, but now that he was an ordinary fox, he couldn't perceive much.

"Okay! Then you have to be good!"

Yun Jinli saw that he was different from other children, if he was entrusted to an ordinary family, he might be regarded as a different kind.

"Jin, what do you think I should do with this knife?"

Xilingtian was still holding the golden knife in his hand, and there was a carving of a lion on the handle, which looked majestic.

"This knife is destined for you, if you like it, keep it."

Yun Jinli saw that the saber was not bad, so he might as well stay by his side for self-defense.


Xi Lingtian put the saber away, it was strange to say, when he touched it for the first time, he obviously felt it was as heavy as a mountain peak, but now it was extremely light.

He didn't know if it was his own delusion.

(End of this chapter)

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