Chapter 1195

Under Bei Chenjue's long sleeves embroidered with seawater patterns in gold, his slender fingers brushed over the strings.

The sound of the piano dances like a clear spring, which is extremely beautiful.

Accompanied by court musicians, they carefully followed Bei Chenjue's qin sound, for fear of destroying his original beautiful melody.

"The best piano player in the ancient country of the Galaxy was originally our Prince Beichen. Now there is an extra Crown Princess, and her piano skills are comparable to the Prince's."

"Look at the princess's dance, it's getting more and more difficult."

Everyone stared at the high platform intently, Princess Fang was completely speechless.

She didn't even remember the dance in that scroll, but Yun Jinli not only remembered, but also danced so perfectly.

"The princess dances really well. Even the best dancer in the palace can't match her."

Aunt Xiangzhi was by the empress's side and filled the wine for her.

The Empress nodded her head, with a look of appreciation on her face.

Yun Jinli was wearing a pink and purple embroidered shirt with large sleeves. The thin diamond gauze was as light as a cicada's wings, and it kept flying as she danced.

When she turned around, the gauze gauze fluttered around her like a fairy.

Her bare hands are like frost and snow jade shoots, her slender waist is like emerald feathers and willow branches, and her bright eyes are like shining stars.

The dance steps follow the sound of the piano, and the delicate body turns in the air.

If it wasn't for someone with strong strength, he would have fallen directly in the air for that difficult flipping movement.

Petals fluttered in the air, and the fallen flowers on the tree fell with the wind. She made a perfect volley flip and completed a stunning dance.

Since then, no dancer in the palace has dared to say that she is the best dancer. After watching this dance, the princes and princes felt that there is no other dance in the world as beautiful as her dance.

"it is good!"

Someone couldn't help shouting excitedly, causing everyone to clap their hands.

"I lost."

Princess Fang took the initiative to say that she couldn't even dance this dance, but the other party could do it so well.

"Wen Wu Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. Whether it is piano or dance, it is different in everyone's eyes, and there is no winner or loser."

Yun Jinli said lightly, making Princess Fang even more ashamed.

"In this dance fight, the crown princess still wins, and she will be rewarded with a peacock dress in cloud clothes."

The empress's voice fell clearly, and Aunt Xiangzhi brought out the water and fire glazed lamp and the cloud and peacock clothes.

Seeing that beautiful peacock dress, the women present couldn't help being tempted.

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

Yun Jinli nodded slightly, the two prizes were both exquisite.

"I admire the talent of the Crown Princess. I wonder if this king will be honored to play a game of chess with the Crown Princess?"

King Yu said, he is Bei Chenjue's young uncle, about 30 years old.

Seeing that Yun Jinli was so good, he couldn't help but want to test her chess skills.

"I set up a game of chess, if you can solve it, I will lose."

Yun Jinli nodded in agreement, willing to play chess with him.

"it is good!"

King Yu immediately responded when he heard the words, there is no chess game he can't solve.

There is no need for him, a prince, to manage the affairs of this country, so he is happy to be at leisure, and his greatest interest is playing chess, so he thinks he has no opponent in chess.

The maids immediately brought up the white jade chessboard and put it on a table.

Yun Jinli pinched the white jade chess pieces with her fingers, creating a mess.


She raised her plain hand, and her eyes fell on the other side shallowly.

King Yu stepped forward and picked up a chess piece, but when he wanted to make a move, he was hesitant.

"This chess game..."

He found that wherever this chess game goes, it seems to be a dead end.

It seems like a very simple chess game, but he has no way to go anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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