Chapter 1219 How Should I Thank You

"Today you gave a sigh of relief for the people of Jiangxue City and my mother, how should I thank you?"

Bei Chenjue took Yun Jinli's hand and asked softly.

"Then use the rest of your life to thank me!"

Yun Jinli has never regarded Hua Liuyan as an opponent, she is just a loser, and now she has come to an end.

She also has stronger enemies, whether it is the Wan Gu sect or the devil emperor Yintu, they are all huge.

Hua Liuyan is just a pawn, and the person of the demon clan hiding in the Longyuan Holy Mansion, who is still unknown, is a more dangerous existence.

"What? Little Yunduo! You want me to use my lower body to thank you? Isn't that bad?"

Bei Chenjue said in surprise, showing a shy look, and looked down.

"You old dirty turtle, go to hell!"

Yun Jinli understood what he said, stepped on him angrily, and ran away.

"I'm not old! And I'm not a turtle."

Bei Chenjue touched his nose, did he get it wrong?

The news that the culprit of the poisoning in Jiangxue City was executed spread to Jiangxuecheng.

Everyone cheered excitedly when they learned that the city lord personally caught the poisoned villain.

Those people who were once poisoned and miserable are full of gratitude to Yun Jinli at this moment.

They were killed innocently, and almost their whole family died. Although their lives were saved and they narrowly escaped death, how can people not feel a little bit of grievance and resentment in their hearts?
For the person who poisoned them, they were full of hatred in their hearts, but they spoke lightly, and there was no way to find the murderer who poisoned them and seek justice for themselves.

Unexpectedly, their city lord caught the real culprit and gave them a bad breath.

"It's really God's eyes to accept that wicked woman."

"It's still the city lord who treats us well!"

"There is such a city lord in Jiangxue City, and we live comfortably."

"Thank you, Lord City Lord."

"I didn't expect our Hua clan to raise such a bad wolf."

"Fortunately, the patriarch has cleaned up the house, otherwise our Hua clan will lose all face."

When the people of the Hua clan learned about Hua Liuyan's insane things, even if they used to be members of the same clan, they couldn't help cursing.

Want to poison all the people in the city, even babies, is that still human?
"What a disgrace to the Hua clan!"

The grandma of the painting clan who has now lived in Liu's house said sadly when she heard about this.

"Mother, this matter has been settled by Li'er, so don't be angry."

Hua Rumei comforted her, now that the family is reunited here, she is really satisfied.

The only regret is that their granddaughter travels outside every day, which makes them miss her very much.

"Fortunately, there is Li'er, otherwise our Hua Clan would be finished."

The grandma of the Huazu said with emotion that if there was no Yun Jinli, the Huazu would really be destroyed if it were handed over to Hualiuyan.

While the family was discussing, Huashen Hanfei secretly took medicine for Qingdi.

She is embarrassed to let people know that she is here, so she always comes here quietly.

"That girl has avenged you for being poisoned, otherwise I have to go out in person and settle the score with that person."

After hearing today's news, Flower God said angrily.

"Thank you, Han Fei."

When Emperor Qing heard Huashen Hanfei's angry words, his heart seemed to be warmed by the sun, and he felt very comfortable.

She cared about him, and he had already felt it from her casual words.

"Who wants you to thank me? I just can't get used to it."

Han Fei's pretty face turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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