The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1226 No one can match her dazzling

Chapter 1226 No one can match her dazzling

On the seats of the ancient galaxy, there are princes, princesses, princes and important ministers.

The envoys from various countries sat on the other side, and everyone had already arrived.

Delicate melon and fruit snacks and wine glasses are placed on the gold-painted and carved wooden table.

Next to each seat, there is a maid serving the wine.

Ye Zhu ate fruit boredly, until he heard the sound from outside, he raised his eyes and looked over.

"The emperor of the galaxy is here! The empress is here!"

"Prince is here!"

"The princess is here!"

Everyone's eyes turned to the outside, the emperor Xinghe and the empress appeared first, and then Beichenjue and Yun Jinli behind them.

Today's Bei Chenjue is wearing a gown with flowing clouds and golden patterns, and a crown of purple and gold flying feathers. He is extremely domineering.

He was already handsome, with a dignified temperament, and he could completely control this luxurious attire.

"Prince Beichen is really handsome and mighty."

Some young ladies from rich families attended the dinner with the elders of the family, and when they saw the incomparably handsome Prince Beichen, their eyes showed admiration.

"Is that the princess?"

When seeing the crown princess, many people were amazed.

She walked slowly under the light, without a trace of nervousness, calm and calm, full of atmosphere.

Tonight, Yun Jinli is dressed in a cloud dress and peacock dress, with a flying moon and flowing cloud bun, adorned with Qiongfang stars, pearl flowers and silver tassels.

Beautiful and flawless face, rosy in white, lips like cherry blossoms.


Xiao Hanxi stood up suddenly, and when he saw that Princess Beichen was Yun Jinli, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

A heart suddenly tugged, there was a fine pain, like a needle piercing his chest, the pain was so sudden that he was completely caught off guard.

"Is it Xiaojin? She's so beautiful!"

Ye Zhu looked at Yun Jinli who was coming on the multicolored silk carpet, and became more and more familiar, which made him dumbfounded in surprise.

"Xiao Jin is actually the new patriarch of the Hua Clan, and also Crown Princess Beichen!"

He didn't know about this before, so he was frightened at this moment.

Yun Jinli saw Ye Zhu and Xiao Hanxi, and nodded slightly to greet them.

Ye Zhu quickly waved to her, and Xiaoyuan had a bright smile on her face.

A difficult smile appeared on Xiao Hanxi's face, and his heart felt dull and uncomfortable.

Xilingtian looked at her dazzling attire today, and amazement flashed across his eyes.

"She turned out to be the princess."

Qin Yu from Xuanshuang Kingdom looked at Yun Jinli in astonishment, not thinking about her identity at all.

She helped him and Tang Yun back then, so she was his benefactor.

He later discovered that the place where she lived had completely disappeared.

At first, I thought that I might miss seeing her again, but I didn't expect to meet her here.

At this moment, she is the aloof Crown Princess Beichen.

The crown princess of one of the three strongest empires in Longyuan Continent, the future empress.

This status made countless people look up to her.

"Brother! How could she be Princess Beichen!"

Nangong Lianyi said in shock, almost biting her own tongue.

She had always ridiculed Yun Jinli at the beginning, thinking that she was just a lowly mountain village girl.

Seeing that she turned out to be the new patriarch of the Hua clan, and she was also the princess of Beichen, the contrast was too great.

Compared with her, Nangong Lianyi, the so-called young lady of aristocratic family, has no status at all.

"is her."

Nangong Muchen's gaze was fixed on Yun Jinli, full of complexities.

At this moment, Yun Jinli's radiance was so dazzling that none of the princesses present could match her brilliance.

Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue sat on the seats hand in hand, both of them had top-notch looks, even though there were countless handsome men and women present, they were still so eye-catching.

 If you like, the monthly pass can be given to Her Majesty the Queen!mwah!
  Geer is very busy every day, so she can only find time to write a book at night, and the update is late, so Xiaoxuehua can read it the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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