The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1232 Dragon King Golden Scale of Six Kingdoms

Chapter 1232 Dragon King Golden Scale of the Six Kingdoms

"This is naturally a matter of voting, and each country has one vote."

Yun Jinli replied that if it was based on the number of people present, the countries would definitely not be willing.

"That's fair."

Hearing what she said, everyone felt quite fair.

Originally, it was a competition among various countries, so it is appropriate for all countries to participate.

Nangong Muchen's face darkened when he heard this method of voting to determine the winner.

Even if the mermen sang well, if they refused to vote, it would be a waste of his efforts.

The win-win situation was so easily destroyed by Yun Jinli, which made him extremely unwilling.

"As for the lottery, there is no need for everyone to go out of the Lingkuang mountain range. Every country has a dragon king's golden scale. Whoever proposes a competition project will have a dragon king's golden scale from that country."

Bei Chenjue's proposal made Nangong Muchen's face darken.

Originally, Nangong Muchen intended to slap his face, but now that the rules are changed, it will not be beneficial to him at all.

What's even more exaggerated is that the lottery has to be awarded by their Wild Lion Demon Kingdom.

Then what's the use of them winning?

"It is said that the dragon king's golden scales are a token of a dragon scattered across the country. As long as you gather these dragon king's golden scales, you will be able to see the omniscient dragon king."

Someone said that they had all heard the legend about the Dragon King's Golden Scale.

It's a pity that everyone hid the Dragon King's golden scales, and never had the opportunity to gather these few Dragon King's golden scales.

If there is only one Dragon King Golden Scale, it can be said that it is useless at all.

"The Dragon King knows all the secrets in the world, no matter what you ask, he can give the answer."

"The Golden Scales of the Dragon King are treasured by all countries. Prince Beichen proposed this lottery, which is more precious than those Lingshan mines."

They want to get the dragon king's golden scales from other countries, and other people also want to get this thing from them.

"We agree to this lottery, but there is a condition that all countries must participate."

Nangong Muchen knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Whether or not he could gather Dragon King Jinlin would depend on the performance of today's battle among nations.

"And before that, everyone has to show the Dragon King's Golden Scale to prove that all countries own it."

"We also agree."

"If you don't have the Dragon King Golden Scale, you won't be eligible to participate."

Yun Jinli was very excited when she saw everyone's expressions, she didn't know what the mystery of the Dragon King Golden Scale Bei Chenjue was talking about.

Bei Chenjue explained to her in private, and she finally understood the importance of the Dragon King Jinlin.

A single Dragon King Golden Scale has no effect at all.

Only by gathering the dragon king Jinlin from the six kingdoms of Dragon Soul Ancient Kingdom, Galaxy Ancient Kingdom, Wild Lion Demon Kingdom, Canglei Kingdom, Xuanshuang Kingdom and Chixiao Kingdom can it play its true role.

"Wait a moment, everyone, I'm going to fetch the Dragon King's golden scales."

After discussing with the envoys from various countries, they decided to participate in the battle of the Dragon King Golden Scale. There were no envoys with the Dragon King Golden Scale, so they tried every means to deliver the things to their hands as quickly as possible.

Naturally, all countries have secret methods for transporting items. The Dragon King's Golden Scale is not too big, and it quickly reached the hands of the envoys.

Six dragon king golden scales were placed on the seats in front of the envoys. These dragon scales looked like they were made of gold.

"Since the jackpots are all ready, in order to prevent someone from retreating halfway, we will keep them all."

Bei Chenjue opened his mouth and said, the envoys from various countries thought about it and nodded in agreement.

The six dragon king golden scales finally reunited after a long time.

Only by overlapping them and merging them into a single piece of Dragon King Golden Scale can it play a role.

These six Dragon King Golden Scales were placed on a long table, envoys from various countries were here, no one dared to do anything, otherwise they would become public enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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