Chapter 1235 Give me a surprise

With a movement of Yun Jinli's jade finger, the sound of the piano became louder and louder, like a dragon chant.

The beautiful jade face is so bright in everyone's eyes.

Those seductive red lips opened, and every word and every word shocked people from the depths of their souls.

"The three armies march forward together, don't ask the loess to sprinkle
While the blood is hot, the wine is strong, and the horses are leaping

Mounds of earth and green mounds follow it

The sound of thousands of horsemen's hooves
How boundless is the return period after going to the mountains
Difficult to know like yin and yang

galloping like thunder, unyielding
Where does Changying go..."

She continued to sing "Tianzi Thirteen Kills", which is a song from modern times. The lyrics were written by Xi Twelve, and the original song was a ditty.

Those who were used to simple battle songs couldn't believe the wonderful tune.

"The flames of the frontier city are soaked in wind and sand

The sound of drums from all directions
A letter from home, before a wild goose leaps a horse

Raise your glass, sprinkle the wine, startle the jackdaws
Basil and white bones are all with it

Waiting for future generations to search for the soul and return home

The thirteen kills of Tianzi stop killing with killing..."

It was also the first time for Bei Chenjue to hear her singing this kind of battle song. Her melodious singing voice was still so beautiful when paired with the battle song, and it was also so majestic.

He had never heard such a domineering and beautiful war song, which made his heart surge with enthusiasm.

The soldiers from all over the world who were present couldn't help wiping away their tears when they heard her singing the battle song.

They remembered the bitterness and tragedy of fighting on the battlefield, as well as those compatriots who died in battle.

Looking at Yun Jinli who was playing the piano and singing, they felt as if they had seen, the majestic wind and the setting sun like blood, she was wearing an armor and rode a horse in the sand, holding a three-foot green spear in the battlefield, leading the army to kill all directions.

"Too domineering!"

"Is this really sung by a woman?"

"Crown Princess Beichen doesn't give in to her eyebrows!"

"This feeling... If it weren't for the general who once dominated the battlefield, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to sing it."


Everyone was shocked by this battle song, even if her piano sound and singing ended in the end, they couldn't recover from the battle song.

Even the merman woman, who was the best at singing, opened her mouth wide and looked at Yun Jinli in shock.

"Even if she doesn't sing battle songs, her singing voice is not inferior to mine."

The merman woman originally thought that if it was another song, she would definitely win, but after listening to Yun Jinli's singing, she felt that she was still far behind.

Yun Jinli's singing is full of soul, but her songs are just nice, without connotation.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Emperor Xinghe couldn't help clapping his hands in praise. He had heard so many songs, but this song left him with such a deep impression.

His daughter-in-law is too domineering, which makes him feel like when he is facing his son.

But only such a daughter-in-law can stand side by side with his son!
If it is just a delicate flower, how can we bear the wind and rain with him?

The Empress also nodded, showing approval.

She felt that the princess was a person with a story, and the more she got to know her, the more unfathomable she became.

"Jin! You really gave me a surprise."

Xilingtian's eyes were full of splendor. This was the first time he heard Yun Jinli sing after his rebirth, and he never expected her to sing so beautifully.

And her songs are not only beautiful, but also full of soul.

After hearing her song, he felt that Sharkman's song was nothing more than this.

Seeing Xilingtian's gaze on Yun Jinli, Xilingying suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She never got his gaze, but the woman ignored his gaze and refused to be his queen on the spot.

It made her really, really jealous.

"Xiao Jin is so handsome!"

Ye Zhu said excitedly, wishing to tell the whole world that she was his friend.

 Good night Little Snowflake.Finally, I recommend Geer CP Feng Lichen's new book, "Poison Doctor and Mad Concubine: The Evil King Bullies the Bed, Too Ferocious"

  Support Geer, support Chenchen!mwah! ^_^

(End of this chapter)

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