The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1246 The Test of the Dragon Mirror

Chapter 1246 The Test of the Dragon Mirror
"This...could it be the Demon Illuminating Dragon Mirror from the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom?"

In the past, there were monsters in the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom who transformed into human forms, or attached themselves to human bodies, and entered the palaces of the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom to wreak havoc in the harem.

Later, in order to protect the peace of the royal family, the King of Xiling found this dragon mirror that illuminates the demon.

Everyone had to stand still in front of the demon mirror, and finally found out the hidden evil spirit.

The Yaozhaolongjing has not appeared for many years, but after the Xiling Tribulation, the Yaozhaolongjing was known to the world.

Seeing the Demon-Revealing Dragon Mirror appearing here now, everyone is both fearful and curious whether the Demon-Revealing Dragon Mirror is as powerful as the rumors say.

"I heard that this demon illuminating dragon mirror can reveal people's hearts and demons, and it can also reveal the truest side of everyone."

"People with demons dare not look at the Dragon Mirror."

"I heard that someone went crazy from fright after seeing the Dragon Mirror."

"The King of Xiling took out such a mirror that illuminates the dragon, and now it's a good show."

"The test of the demon-zhaolong mirror is not something ordinary people can resist."

"Not to mention ten breaths, it is very rare to be able to last half of the time."

After someone recognized the Dragon Mirror, everyone knew how big the mirror King Xiling took out was.

Legend has it that this dragon mirror that illuminates demons comes from an ancient dragon tomb, and only the king of Xiling has such a supernatural ability to obtain this object.

It is also said that the King of Xiling and the owner of the Dragon Tomb made a deal to get this dragon mirror for illuminating demons.

It's just that these are everyone's guesses, and no one knows if it's true.

"Dragon mirror that illuminates demons."

Looking at this mirror, Yun Jinli could not help but frown with her beautiful and delicate eyebrows.

Xilingtian took out the Dragon Mirror, but she didn't even dare to take a picture.

However, she couldn't let Bei Chenjue look into this mirror, because he had a seal on his body, and if she looked into this mirror, it might cause problems with the seal he had so hard to suppress.

In the Galaxy Kingdom, who else can do this?
"This is the last Dragon King Golden Scale, Xiaotian really gave me a big problem."

On her jade face, there was a touch of hesitation.

"Isn't it just a mirror? Is it as evil as you say? I can just close my eyes!"

At this time, Ye Zhu from Chixiao Kingdom stepped forward carelessly, and he stood in front of the Demon Zhaolong Mirror.

He purposely closed his eyes, standing in front of the mirror like this, in line with Xilingtian's requirements.


Sitting on the golden chair, Xilingtian raised the corners of his lips slightly, seeing Ye Zhu's unafraid look, he couldn't help smiling.

He felt that Ye Zhu was a little familiar, so there was no malice in this smile, but he just thought the little fat man was interesting.

Ye Zhu closed his eyes. He was about to speak just now, but when the mirror reflected his appearance, a terrifying picture appeared in his mind.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He couldn't help screaming and backed away in fright, but fell and rolled into a ball, causing everyone to laugh.

Ye Zhu didn't believe in evil at first, but now she has to accept it.

"It's so scary! I scared the young master to death!"

His whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and after only a short while, he felt as if he had crawled out of hell.

In fact, there is a demon of fear hidden in people's hearts. I don't know the existence of that demon, but when that demon is released, I realize how terrifying it is.

Seeing a heartless person like Ye Zhu, he was frightened into such a mess, and everyone else felt a little panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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