The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1253 Knowing the whereabouts of Jingshilian

Chapter 1253 Knowing the whereabouts of Jingshilian
A high-pitched dragon chant resounded, and a golden phantom emerged from the dragon scales.

An illusory golden dragon shadow gradually became solid.

The golden scales look extraordinarily brilliant, and the huge dragon head is majestic.

A pair of dragon eyes are like a bright galaxy, they seem to be able to see through everything, so sharp that people can't look directly at them.

"You summoned me, you can ask me a question."

The huge dragon eyes of the Dragon King looked at Beichenjue who was holding the dragon scales.

"I want to know the whereabouts of Jing Shilian."

Bei Chenjue asked this question without any hesitation. If he could ask two questions, he would ask about the key to unraveling the catastrophe.

But there was only one chance, and he chose Jing Shilian without a doubt.

Jing Shilian was at stake for Yun Jinli's life, so he naturally asked this question.

He is a ruthless person, the weight of the common people in the world, in his heart, is not as good as a wisp of flowing clouds.

"Are you sure you want to ask this question?"

The Dragon King asked again.

"I'm sure."

Bei Chenjue nodded and replied affirmatively.

The light on Shenlongwang's body turned into a picture.

This picture is the whereabouts of the Jingshilian. It is said that the Jingshilian can bring people back to life. It is also the most powerful of the five spirit flowers and the head of the five spirit flowers.

In this world, only life and death are irreversible. Once you go against the sky, you will pay a huge price.

But the Jingshilian can bring people back from the dead, so one can imagine the defying nature of the Jingshilian.

After seeing the picture condensed by the Dragon King, both Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue's expressions were ugly.

"How could this be?"

Yun Jinli had always wanted to know the exact whereabouts of Jingshilian, but she got closer and closer step by step until the Dragon King told them the exact location of Jingshilian.

But knowing the real location of Jing Shilian, she would rather not know.

"Jingshilian is actually..."

Bei Chenjue didn't expect that after searching around, Jing Shilian would be there!

He knew Yiyun Jinli's character, and now that he knew the truth about Jing Shilian, he definitely wouldn't want it.

"Forget it, Jingshilian, I don't want it anymore. Aren't we human Tai Sui? That is the legendary medicine of elixir. If I raise this magic medicine, I can still live well."

Yun Jinli shook her head, some things are more important than life.

"Listen to you."

Although Bei Chenjue regretted that the last Jingshilian could not be obtained, he respected her opinion.

None of them thought that Jingshilian was not a flower.

Yun Jinli had heard Wolf Uncle Yue Jinhua mention that Jingshilian and Twin Flowers were flowers but not flowers.

The twin flowers should be on her body, but Jingshilian is something she will never take in this life.

The last flower of death and the last flower of five spirits are now facing each other.

A shadow in the darkness turned into a cloud of mist and left quietly.

This black shadow was lurking here, but no one noticed it.

Apart from Bei Chenjue and Yun Jinli, there are people in this world who have seen Jing Shilian's whereabouts.

I don't know if that spiritual flower that can bring people back to life will cause shocking waves.

"I didn't know the whereabouts of Jing Shilian before, and tried every means to find it. Now that I know the truth, I can let it go."

Yun Jinli said calmly, simply and decisively.

The five spirit flower is very important, but if she loses her heart in order to seize the five spirit flower, then it is considered longevity, even if the contract of spirit is broken, it is meaningless to her.

The way to find the Five Spirit Flower was originally a test for her.

"Little Yunduo, with me here, I will definitely be able to untie the flower of death on your body."

Bei Chenjue didn't insist on capturing Jing Shilian, but thought of other ways for her.

 Congratulations to the lovely Xuanyan, who became the hall master of this book! ^_^
  Congratulations to the handsome Tong for becoming the rudder of this book!mwah!

(End of this chapter)

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