Chapter 1257 You don't need me

At first, everyone thought that the king of Xiling would make trouble halfway, but after the wedding, the king of Xiling did not see him doing anything.

This made some people feel very disappointed.

Originally, he wanted Xilingtian to ruin the wedding, but he didn't do anything.

"The King of Xiling has the arrogance of a king. Since he promised to take back the token, he will never do such a thing that is detrimental to the king's prestige."

Xiao Hanxi explained the reason why Xilingtian never made trouble in the wedding ceremony. Even if the Xiling King wanted Yun Jinli to be the queen, he would fight for it in an upright manner and would not use these unscrupulous means.

Because he couldn't get Yun Jinli, Xilingtian didn't bother to make trouble at her wedding ceremony.

"Obviously I have forgotten, why does this heart still hurt?"

When Xilingtian saw Yun Jinli and Bei Chenjue standing together, the red dress was like fire, burning his eyes and stabbing his heart.

He stretched out his hand to caress the name engraved on the ring, and the name seemed to be deeply engraved in his heart.

He took one last look at Yun Jinli, and left without pestering her any longer.

"You don't need me, then I will leave. If you need me, I will be your sword."

He silently promised in his heart, whether she could hear it or not.

He has only seen her a few times, but his feelings for her are so deep. He doesn't know if it is the soul from before, who loved her too deeply and humblely, and it will explode at this moment.

He is still that Xilingtian after all.

Even if you forget what happened, there are still traces.

Heartbroken, even if everything returns to zero, I will still fall in love again.

It only takes a little flame to ignite a raging flame that can no longer be extinguished.

Xiling Ying looked at Xilingtian's lonely back, that was the king of their Dragon Soul Kingdom, but at this moment he was like a wounded lion, leaving silently, licking his wounds.

When Xilingzhao saw Xilingtian leaving, he secretly ordered people to chase and kill him.

"If you come here alone, don't even think about going back."

He only now knows that Xilingtian has inherited the throne, and everything he carefully arranged will be destroyed, how can he be reconciled?
After the wedding ceremony, the envoys from all over the world left their congratulatory gifts and bid farewell one after another.

Xiao Hanxi and Ye Zhu didn't find a chance to say goodbye to Yun Jinli, so they could only wave to her, and then left with their respective families.

"Daughter, we are going back to Jiangxue City, what are your plans for the future?"

Liu Lianqing knew that their identities were not suitable for staying in the palace, and they were already satisfied if they could come and see their daughter's wedding in person, and they didn't want too much.

"We still have to go back to Longyuan Saint Mansion, this time it may take longer."

Yun Jinli didn't tell them about her plan to return to Huangyun Continent, otherwise Liu Lianqing would definitely be terrified when she knew she was going to the holy journey.

She hoped that her family would be at ease, and she would bring her father and emperor to reunite with her mother and concubine.

"With the crown prince taking care of you, we have nothing to worry about. If it is convenient, we will send a letter to the concubine mother at that time."

Liu Lianqing knew that her daughter was married now, although she was reluctant to part with her, she still wanted to let go.

"it is good!"

Yun Jinli nodded in agreement, and personally sent them out of the palace.

"Take care of yourself."

"Let's go back!"

Everyone in the Liu family sat in the carriage, looking at Yun Jinli reluctantly, full of affection.

The carriage gradually moved away and disappeared from her sight.

"I asked Mo Yu to send them to Jiangxue City, so I don't have to worry about their safety."

Bei Chenjue said to her, which reassured her a bit.

Seeing that he didn't need to say anything, Yun Jinli would arrange everything thoughtfully, and she was moved.

 Good night, little Xuehua. Before going to bed, I recommend the book "Poison Doctor and Crazy Concubine: The Evil King Bullies the Bed, Too Ferocious", and search for the author name: Feng Lichen.

  She is a black-bellied agent of the poison doctor Shuangjue. She has passed through the waste material of a family of strategists, and opened her eyes and directly kissed the peerless beauty.

  Originally thought that the weak and beautiful man was very well-behaved, but the evil king was too brave, he bullied the couch every night, and the mad concubine couldn't bear it.

  The above digressions are free of charge, so rest assured!


(End of this chapter)

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