Chapter 1259 This king will fulfill them

Xi Lingzhao escaped a certain distance, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Xilingtian, you are lucky this time, next time, you will never have a chance to escape from the trap I set up."

He thought of the Xilingtian who was hunted down miserably back then, and his heart became more and more unbalanced.

Originally, Xilingtian was just an ordinary person, and he could even be said to be a useless waste.

Now overnight, he has become the most honorable King of Xiling in the Ancient Dragon Soul Kingdom, how can he accept this?

He felt that he was the real proud son of heaven, and he had a proud talent since he was a child.

"It's not me who has no chance, but you, a hide-and-seek rat."

Xilingtian appeared in front of him, and the thunder in his hand turned into pillars and a thunder cage.

"Use thunder to trap me? Don't forget that I am also the prince of the Xiling tribe."

Seeing that Xi Lingzhao had torn his face, he showed a ruthless look.

He took out a thunder bead in his hand and absorbed the power of thunder into it.

"My talent is stronger than yours, why should you be the king and I should be the subject?"

"Compare your talent with me? This king will let you die convincingly."

Xilingtian squeezed out a spell to summon thunder, and the sky suddenly changed color.

The people who originally wanted to rush over to watch the excitement were scared by the movement above and did not dare to approach.

The scorching sun was still shining in the sky before, and it was as black as ink in an instant.

Shining lightning flashed through the thunderclouds.


A purple thunderbolt, like a giant snake, rushed down with extreme speed and blasted towards Xi Lingzhao.

"Zi! You can summon Zi Lei!"

Xi Lingzhao said in horror, and quickly used the Thunder Bead to absorb the thunder light.

Zilei is more terrifying than ordinary silver thunder. If you encounter Zilei during the catastrophe, many people will be hacked to death.

Even if he has thunder spirit power, he can't stop Jiutian Zilei.


A crisp cracking sound resounded, and Xi Lingzhao saw the Thunder Orb in his hand shatter.

"The winner is the king, and the loser dies. This king will send you on your way."

Xi Lingtian said coldly, the thunder in his palm surged.

The purple thunder in the sky scared the silver-winged army led by Xuezhan to dare to approach.

"My lord, Xi Lingzhao has quite a few henchmen in the Dragon Soul Kingdom. Do you want to save his life so that we can wipe out all the henchmen?"

Xilingying rushed over, seeing that Xilingtian was about to kill Xilingzhao, she immediately spoke.

"The traitor will be punished, why should I be afraid?"

Xilingtian didn't hesitate at all, several purple thunders fell, and Xilingzhao's face was ashen.


When the purple thunder fell, Xi Lingzhao screamed and was struck to death by the purple thunder.

If he hadn't done anything unnecessary, perhaps he would have forgotten everything about Xilingtian, and he would have been able to spend this life in peace.

But he insisted on doing so himself, and ended up committing suicide.

"My lord, Xilingzhao is dead, what about his henchmen?"

Xilingying didn't expect Xilingtian to be so decisive and merciless.

"The black sheep has been punished. If other people do their duty, this king will not care about it anymore. If they want to seek death, this king will fulfill them."

Xilingtian waved his long sleeves, his figure teleported away, and Xilingying hurriedly chased after him.

Xuezhan led the Silver Wing Army, only saw the place after being struck by thunder, and wanted to follow Xilingtian to make sure whether he left smoothly, but he couldn't keep up at all.

"With the strength of the King of Xiling, we don't need our escort anymore. Withdraw!"

Xuezhan took a look here, and retreated with the Silver Wing Army.

He was also a little worried that the King of Xiling was powerful, and if he became hostile to his master in the future, he didn't know whether his master would suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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