The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1265 To save my sister's life

Chapter 1265 To save my sister's life
"It's strange."

Ordinary saplings will grow rapidly with a little bit of immortality, why does this little sapling react to this?

Yun Jinli looked at this little sapling, it was only a little bit big, but it could absorb so much longevity spiritual power.

"It might not be easy to save it."

She expressed her opinion that even her immortal spiritual power could not save the young sapling, which meant that it was very difficult to revive it.

"Li'er, I want it to live, please help me."

Feng Liuyue has thought of various ways, but none of them can save it.Now she can only pin her hopes on Yun Jinli.

It was the first time Yun Jinli saw Feng Liuyue's low-profile pleading, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

The Feng Liuyue in her impression has always been a fairy sister who does not eat fireworks in the world.

It's rare to see her so emotional.

"Okay, I'll help you."

The relationship between her and Feng Liuyue is very deep, since it is Feng Liuyue's request, she will definitely do her best.

"I'll keep it alive first, and then we'll figure out a way together."

She took out the Tianlong Magic Qin, and slowly played the "Tianji Piano Score" to heal the young sapling.

Following one after another of soft rays of light, it flew out from the strings and merged into the sapling, slowly regaining some vitality.

Yun Jinli knew that this was only a temporary solution, not the root cause. The condition of this little sapling was very bad, and it could not be cured by relying on the power of immortality alone.

"Li'er, thank you for your hard work."

Feng Liuyue was moved when she saw Yun Jinli's dedication to save the young sapling with her spiritual power of longevity.

"It's okay, it's just a little effort."

When Yun Jinli saw that the spiritual power of longevity had no effect, he put away the Tianlong Magic Qin.

After consuming a lot of longevity spiritual power, her face was a little pale.

"Yueyue, I don't know if it's an illusion, I feel that you have some breath of the lotus god on you."

"Is there? Maybe it's because I grew up with Master!"

Feng Liuyue thought that Yun Jinli had sensed the breath of the baby, after all, it was the blood of Shenglian.

They had a child between master and apprentice, she would not tell about it, so as not to increase their troubles, so she did not mention it to Yun Jinli.

"That may be so."

Yun Jinli nodded and sat on the couch beside her.

"I brought you Hanwu Mountain osmanthus tea, remember to taste it when your child is born and you can drink tea."

She took out her presents and placed them all over the floor.

"There is also this pillow of soft feathers and leaves of golden silk, which is the best for babies. These gadgets for children can't be bought in the Holy Mansion, so I brought them back for you."

Children's rocking horses and baby cradles filled the room at the moment.

Feng Liuyue looked at Yun Jinli bringing such a gift to her child, a soft look appeared in her eyes.

Although her child was born by accident, some people are looking forward to the birth of the baby now.

"Put these away first!"

Yun Jinli said, "It's not convenient for them to walk with the things all over the floor."


Feng Liuyue put these things away.

"Let's ask Jue about this little sapling. He may have a solution because of his knowledge and knowledge."

Yun Jinli said.

The two walked out of the house and saw that Bei Chenjue and Feng Qingyun were not there, so they searched around with their spiritual sense.

At this moment, Bei Chenjue was asking about the condition of the crape myrtle tree outside Feng Qingyun.

"Why do I feel that the crape myrtle tree is dead?"

Bei Chenjue's sense is very keen, in the place where the crape myrtle tree took root before, he felt the dead breath, which didn't seem to be removed normally.

"Sigh, in order to save my sister's life, God Lian took out the heart of Ziwei, that's why..."

Feng Qingyun saw that Bei Chenjue knew about it, so she told him.

Feng Liuyue was in the distance, and when she heard their conversation, it was like a bolt from the blue.

 Ninth update!Good night little snowflake!

  I hope the monthly pass can be given to Her Majesty the Queen!

  Many thanks! ^_^ What a da!
(End of this chapter)

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