Chapter 1280 I Haven't Found Him
"Speaking of which, they also came out for me. When I was in the lower realm, I was killed by that person, and in the end there was only a wisp of remnant soul left."

Meng Xunying opened her mouth and spoke bluntly about what happened to her.

"Ge'er's temperament is also stubborn. After coming to the Three Thousand Spirit Realm, she was looking for the whereabouts of that person and wanted to avenge me."

He shook his head, feeling very sorry for this stubborn disciple in his heart.

She herself has suffered unfair treatment, and she has been in danger many times because of her enemies, but in the end, when she has the ability to revenge, she forgave that person because his wife saved her life.

However, she never forgot the grievance and hatred her master had suffered.

"If anyone dares to touch my master, I will come to the door directly. If the master does this, I will support her!"

Yun Jinli nodded, no matter how powerful the opponent is, this revenge must be avenged.

But she sees that the master is living well now, this is a reborn man against the sky!

"That person is too cunning, I have never found him, and I don't know where to hide to enjoy the blessing."

Feng Qingyun said, relying on his own strength, that person crushed the master's bones to ashes, and finally there was no bones left.

They will definitely avenge their master for this revenge.

It's a pity that they have been in the Upper Realm for so long, but they still haven't found that person.

The [-] Spiritual Domain is so big, I don't even know where that person is.

"Give me some clues, we can check."

Bei Chenjue took the initiative to say that he would also take matters concerning Yun Jinli's sect to heart.

"The name is Zhao Quan."

Seeing that they wanted to help, Meng Xunying did not reject their kindness.

This can be regarded as the wish of the junior, whether he can find it or not, he will not mind.

"Does it look like it?"

Bei Chenjue asked, if there is only one name, it is too difficult.


Meng Xunying condensed Zhao Quan's appearance, but I don't know if his appearance has changed now.

"The Zhao family is related to the Wan Gu sect, we should be able to find it from the Wan Gu sect."

Yun Jinli looked at this person's appearance and secretly remembered it.

"This person is somewhat similar to the Zhao Xiang I know."

She suddenly thought of Zhao Xiang, the father who painted Liu Yan, and after thinking about it, she was quite similar.

She condensed Zhao Xiang's appearance and let everyone look at it.

"It's really similar, and they both have the surname Zhao, so they might be a family."

Feng Qingyun said excitedly, the looks are very similar.

"Where is this person?"

Yun Yang asked, they had never found any useful clues, they were always looking for a needle in a haystack, they never thought that the little disciple they met just now would actually give them an important clue.

"He was originally in the painting clan, but he was expelled by me. I don't know where he is now. What is certain is that he is a member of the Wan Gu sect, and he is good at poison."

Yun Jinli shared some information she knew, which might be able to provide them with some help.

"As long as he is on Longyuan Continent, we can find him."

Feng Qingyun said, with the clue of Zhao Xiang, he must be able to follow the clues to find Zhao Quan.

"Then what is the master looking for?"

Yun Jinli was very curious about what Xueluange and Feng Lichen were looking for in that ancient fairy palace.

"They're looking for a book."

Yun Yang hugged the child and said, Xiao Wuyou was very cute in her arms.

"That's a very important book, it's called "Cangxue Immortal Record", and it covers all worlds in one book."

"I have never heard of the book "Cang Xue Xian Lu"."

Bei Chenjue knew nothing about this book.


(End of this chapter)

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