Chapter 1289 Why Go to Yuexi Mountain

"Oh? Little master, can you tell me what happened over there?"

Yun Jinli stopped and turned to look at him.

"The poor monk actually didn't know, but he heard many pilgrims who offered incense crying, and it seemed that someone at home was missing. According to the poor monk's observation, most of them came from the vicinity of Yuexi Mountain."

The green-robed monk said that when they were talking, they mentioned the name of Yuexi Mountain, so he had this guess.

"Okay, I know."

When Yun Jinli heard the news, she felt that Master Fahua's trip to Yuexi Mountain was not accidental.

She walked out of the temple, and this time she didn't fly directly down, but walked down the steps down the mountain.

On the way, she may be able to get the clues she needs, knowing why Master Fahua went to Yuexi Mountain, and only then can she find out where he is.

She walked on the road, listening to the voices of everyone.

At this time, she saw an old woman who was thinking about Yuexi Mountain, her face was full of sorrow, her eyes were red, as if she had been crying for a long time.

"I don't know what happened to Yuexi Mountain this time? I heard a lot of people talking about Yuexi Mountain recently."

When Yun Jinli walked up to the old woman, she spoke.

"Little girl, what do you ask Yuexishan to do?"

When the old woman heard what she said, she took the initiative to talk.

"I'm going to Yuexi Mountain, so I'm very curious. Does this mother-in-law know what happened near Yuexi Mountain?"

When Yun Jinli saw the old woman approaching, she immediately showed curiosity.

"Hey, when I mention this matter, I am really helpless, I just hope that the Lord Buddha will take pity on me at such a young age and bless my son to come back safely."

The hunched figure of the old woman walked down the steps with difficulty.

"Old lady, what's the matter? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

With Yun Jinli supporting the old woman, she managed to walk steadily.

This mountain road is rugged and steep, if you roll down directly, you will break your leg.

With the legs and feet of an old woman, it is really very sincere to be able to walk so far to pray for Buddha.

"It's a long story. I don't know when it started. Every once in a while, some of our young men who live near Yuexi Mountain disappear. Those people are all good-looking unmarried young men."

When the old woman talked about this incident, she felt a little frightened, and a frightened look appeared on her wrinkled old face.

"My youngest son, who just turned 20 this year, was taken care of very carefully because he was old enough. My son is very handsome, but this handsomeness is a disaster for the people there."

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, and she couldn't help shedding tears when she thought of her little son.

"Is your son missing too?"

Yun Jinli already knew about this matter, but she still had to ask further in order to learn more about Yuexi Mountain from her.

"That's right! I usually let my son smear his face with ashes and go out without incident. But that day, the child didn't smear his face and ran out in a hurry, saying that he was going to meet the woman he likes."

The old woman was so choked up that she couldn't speak when she recalled the scene at that time.

Yun Jinli learned what happened later from her heart, she thought her son was going to meet the person he liked, so she didn't stop him.

Her son is also 20 years old, and it's time to get married.

They usually let their son wear a black face, and no girl in the village likes him.

It's just that after her son went out, he never came back.

At this time, she heard that there were many young and handsome men missing in other villages, and her heart immediately became cold.

 Recommended ticket! ^_^ What a da!

(End of this chapter)

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