The mistress of the god doctor kicked the vinegar vat again

Chapter 1294 The Function of the Supreme Ghost Eye

Chapter 1294 The Function of the Supreme Ghost Eye

Yuexi Mountain, like other barren mountains and ridges, is full of rocks and yellow sand.

The mountains in the Dark Night City are not green at all, they look like sand or stones.

Yun Jinli had arrived at the foot of Yuexi Mountain at this moment, and she transformed into a handsome young man, walking on the mountain road.

She had seen Xu He's situation before, and she didn't prescribe him a prescription until after asking the questions.

She knew that once Xu He was cured, he would forget everything that happened during his fascination.

"How can there be water in this place?"

Yun Jinli saw that there was no vitality here, and she didn't know where the fairyland in Xu He's eyes was.

She has long heard that the people of the Wild Lion Demon Country are tough, and if they can survive in such a poor place, the people's customs will naturally be stronger than the flowers in the greenhouses of other countries.

She walked in this barren mountain, and the yellow sand gradually decreased a lot, revealing big jagged rocks.

"Yuexi Mountain, that river will only appear on a moonlit night, it seems that it will wait until it gets dark."

She sat on a rock to rest, and she released paper butterflies, letting them search for the whereabouts of Master Fahua all over the mountains and plains.

Then use the paper butterfly to send the news to Bei Chenjue, letting him know about her situation and the secret of the entrance to the Buddha Kingdom.

Xiao DianDian is still sleeping, he doesn't know that his little sister is racing against time to think of a way for him.

On the other side, after a short rest, Feng Liuyue set off directly to Jiangxue City without even confinement.

Meng Xun Ying and Yun Yang went to find Zhao Xiang's whereabouts and did not go with them.

"Old sister, didn't you say that women have to confine themselves to recover after giving birth? I prepared a lot of chickens for you, and you ran away, isn't it too embarrassing?"

Feng Qingyun hugged Xiao Wuyou, followed Feng Liuyue, and said dissatisfiedly.

"My body doesn't matter. Li'er has used her longevity spiritual power to treat me, so there is no need to waste time resting."

Feng Liuyue was dressed in a moon-white flowing fairy dress, with long hair draped over her shoulders, picturesque eyebrows, and looked like a cold fairy.

"Jingjing is also unlucky enough. When he came back to hang out, he almost lost his life."

Feng Qingyun shook her head, as their friend, it was really hard work.

Originally, their identities as siblings were not suitable for having a mortal friend, but they just made friends with Yun Jinli.

This friendship also comes as soon as you say it, without saying hello at all.

"However, if you want to talk about loyalty in number theory, it is definitely my best buddy who is the first in the mirror."

"Less talk less, practice more. If you weren't so weak, we wouldn't be in such a mess."

Feng Liuyue unceremoniously hit her younger brother who didn't like to cultivate, this ghost emperor is really too fake.

"Your son is so attractive, is it my fault?"

Feng Qingyun immediately hurt each other with her, while Xiao Wuyou showed a cute smile.

Those dreamy eyes seem to be able to pull people into endless samsara.

"By the way, what's the use of the Supreme Ghost Eye? Why are they so crazy about it? Even I, the Ghost Emperor, don't give me face. It's too much. I deserve to be cleaned up by Grandma Grandmother..."

"I asked Grandma Grandmaster, and she said that the Supreme Ghost Eye can make ghosts break through a big realm directly, which is equivalent to improving their strength without training."

Feng Liuyue said, everyone wants to gain more power in the shortest time.

This supreme ghost eye can give ghosts great power, so it is naturally very attractive.

"In addition, the supreme ghost eye also has the power of reincarnation, which is the power to predict the future, look forward to the past, and even the power of the previous life."

Hearing her words, Feng Qingyun couldn't help but gasp.


(End of this chapter)

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