Chapter 1313 Disappeared without a sound

The abbot knew the skills of those eminent monks, all of them were good at subduing demons, much better than his old man.

But so many of them went in, and within one night, they all disappeared without a trace.

He didn't know if they came out late, but they didn't show up again afterwards.

This incident was told by the old abbot when he was dying, and it was spread all over Buddhism.

Master Fahua didn't pay much attention to it at first, and only thought it was a legend after hearing it.

Now that he personally entered this Bone Demon City, he felt fear.

So many eminent monks have disappeared here without a sound, how could he survive?

The eminent monks who can be selected into the Buddhist country are all monks with high understanding and strong Dharma. There are such a large number of monks, and none of them escaped. Thinking about it, he feels scared.

"Since we can't get out, let's go in and have a look."

Yun Jinli said, the two of them even broke through the peerless tomb, so are they still afraid of this mere city of bones?

"Let's go! I also want to know who is pretending to be a ghost."

Bei Chenjue walked along the streets of the empty city together with Yun Jinli, holding Yun Jinli's little hand in his hand, and dispelled the chill all around with his upright spirit.

Yun Jinli felt that every time he held her hand, the icy aura around her would completely disappear, which made her feel very safe.

"You... well... you can't get out anyway, and the poor monk will go with you."

Master Fahua was also an eminent monk after all, so he calmed down and quickly followed them.

Leave him here alone and he'll be scared out of his wits.

Yun Jinli couldn't help shaking her head when she saw him following up.

"Is this a holy monk? It's completely incomparable with our little Dian Dian."

She felt that Xiao Dian was more courageous than him, and it was really embarrassing for a holy monk who wanted to kill demons to be frightened by a city.

"Little Yunduo, the layout of this city is like a mausoleum."

Bei Chenjue radiated his powerful spiritual consciousness, and the whole picture of the whole city was presented in his mind.

He feels that this is not a city, but a huge mausoleum of bones.

"Such a generous effort shows that the person who built this city is very powerful."

Yun Jinli thought about using the city as a mausoleum, and buried a city. Who is the owner of the city?Why do you do that?

They searched around the city, but found nothing.

At this time, a red shadow flashed in front of their eyes, almost disappearing in a flash.


They caught this white shadow and immediately chased after it.

Yun Jinli chased after the red shadow with the teleportation technique.

The red shadow stopped, it turned out to be a boy of twelve or thirteen years old.

The red-clothed boy looked at them with a smile on his face, but this smile was full of contempt, not like a child's smile.

"You can't escape, and anyone who enters here can't escape."

The voice of the boy in red fell down, echoing throughout the entire city.

"It turned out to be your fault."

Seeing his arrogance, Yun Jinli really wanted to catch him and beat him up.

A young lady is actually so insolent!

Bei Chenjue grabbed him, but his body turned into a cloud of red mist and exploded.


A burst of insolent laughter echoed around.

"Stinky boy, you'd better open the door obediently!"

Yun Jinli said, she knew he must be watching them somewhere.

"Find me first. If you can't find me before dark, then you won't be able to get out."

The voice of the boy in red came from all directions, making people wonder where he was.

(End of this chapter)

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